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A Comparison of TEAM Approaches: TEAM-Based Learning (TBL) & Process Oriented, Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL) Presenters: J OHN S HABB, P H D P EGGY M.

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Presentation on theme: "A Comparison of TEAM Approaches: TEAM-Based Learning (TBL) & Process Oriented, Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL) Presenters: J OHN S HABB, P H D P EGGY M."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Comparison of TEAM Approaches: TEAM-Based Learning (TBL) & Process Oriented, Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL) Presenters: J OHN S HABB, P H D P EGGY M OHR, PT, P H D U NIVERSITY OF N ORTH D AKOTA S CHOOL OF M EDICINE AND H EALTH S CIENCES

2 Team-Base Learning (TBL) Designed to promote students’ ability to:  Master the prioritized concepts in the course content.  Use critical thinking and problem- solving to apply the course concepts as required in “real-life” situations.  Develop interpersonal and team skills.

3 Process Oriented, Guided-Inquiry Learning  Designed with a three phase “learning cycle” Exploration Phase  Students examine a model to find patterns or relationships Concept Invention Phase  A concept emerges or is introduced Application Phase  New concepts are applied to new situations

4 TBL & POGIL Pedagogies Approaches are Designed to:  Promote Higher-Order Thinking Skills  Build Conceptual Understanding through Active Learning and Application of Course Concepts  Promote Teamwork Skills  Facilitate Problem-solving Methods:  Use Small Groups (Teams)  Require Pre-Class Preparation  Replace Lectures with Structured Learning Activities  Instructors Are Facilitators  Students Accountable for Contributions

5 Faculty Pre-Class Preparation  Similar Process: “Backward Design” (Wiggins & McTighe, 1998)

6 Team Formation  TBL o Strategically Formed Teams to Distribute Resources o 5 – 7 students o Permanent Team Membership  POGIL o Variable Formation of Self- Managed Teams o 3 – 4 students o Duration of Membership May Vary with Content

7 Team Names & Pictures POGIL: Attendance & Organization TEAM: Title IX TBL - Balance of Resources, Gender TBL: Promoted Team Cohesiveness

8 TBL  No Roles Assigned:  Members must effectively use “resources” within the team  Accountability: Any individual may be asked to report POGIL  Assigned Roles:  Manager  Recorder  Spokesperson  Skeptic  Spy Roles Rotate Team Member Roles

9 TBL  Prioritized Content Guided Learning Outline  “Need to Know” & “Nice to Know” Outline No Pre-class Assessment POGIL  Prioritized Content Learning Objectives “Why Statement” Assigned Reading & Resource Pages Pre-Class online Quiz Pre-Class Assignments

10 Importance of Feedback POGIL o Pre-Class online quiz o Verbal feedback during class activity o TA feedback on group assignment o Post-class online quiz TBL o IRAT, TRAT o IF-AT Scratch-Off Sheets o Verbal feedback during discussions o Peer Teaching & Reviews o Mini-lectures to resolve confusion Student Consensus: Immediate feedback is helpful as errors were corrected when the content was “fresh”!

11 Structured Learning Activities: TBL 4-S application Format Significant Problem Application of concept with a problem important in “real- life” scenarios Specific Choice Must make a choice and provide rationale supporting decision Same Problem Promotes intra & inter team discussions Simulatenous Reporting Differences in team conclusions discussed Demonstration

12 TBL 4-S Application Activity Dr. Smith has decided to implement Team-Based Learning (TBL) in his lecture class. Which would be the MOST appropriate for Dr. Smith to implement as a TBL application activity? A. Dr. Smith would ask his students to divide into teams to summarize different segments of the pre-reading assignment. At the end of class, each team would report on their assignment to the whole class. B.Dr. Smith would post the video tapes of his lecture as a pre-reading assignment. In class, students would take a quiz on the video-lecture and then discuss their answers with another student. C.Dr. Smith would divide his students into teams and require teams to reach a consensus about answers to the same questions. Teams would report simultaneously and justify their answers. D.Dr. Smith would divide the students into teams, distributing the students with the highest grade points across the teams. During class, teams would apply the content to “real-life” situations and submit their answers for grading.

13 Structured Learning Activities: POGIL Students to move through the three learning cycles (exploration, concept intervention, and application) Groups complete tasks that apply the concepts introduced in the pre-class assignment “Guided Inquiry”  Strategic questions in the exercises  Instructors observe and provide verbal guidance “Timeouts” for discussion  Instructors discuss challenging concepts and problem s Graded group assignment Demonstration

14 Example POGIL task: Chirality of amino acids d.Though most amino acids are L-isomers, in special cases (but not in proteins!), they may be D-isomers. Below are structures of D- and L-alanine. i.Using the marshmallows and toothpicks at your table, create models of D- and L-alanine. Refer to the “Amino acids and chirality” resource for tips. ii.Place your models on the white board with the H atom pointing toward you. iii.Label your marshmallows and draw arrows using the CORN rule. Label each isomer as D-Ala or L-ala on your white board iv.Match your models to the structures above and label them as D- or L- alanine. v.Take a picture of your annotated models and paste here. Excerpted from Task 2, A1 in-class activity: Amino acid structure and properties.

15 TBL  Informal Reinforcement  Subsequent application activities build on previous knowledge & content POGIL  Post-Class Quiz  Completed outside of class  Post-Class Quiz Key is posted Instructors (TAs) provide feedback on group assignment Post-Class Reinforcement

16 TBL Exams  IRAT – Individual points  TRAT – Team points Peer Evaluations  Mid-Term – formative review  Final - Composite score determines the team points earned Grade Percentages  Class determines weighting of individual & team points for final grade POGIL Individual Assessments  Formative pre and post-class quizzes  Summative exams in class Group Assessments  Formative in-class activities graded by TAs Individual Grade Percentage  30% individual formative  50% summative assessments  20% group formative assessments Student Accountability

17 A Comparison of TEAM Approaches: TEAM-Based Learning (TBL) & Process Oriented, Guided-Inquiry Learning (POGIL) Questions?

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