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Using Active Verbs Adding More Elaboration to our Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Active Verbs Adding More Elaboration to our Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Active Verbs Adding More Elaboration to our Writing

2 Definition: O Active verbs add vigor and muscle to our writing.

3 Example O (Lame) The man broke his nose. It bled. O The man smashed his nose against the sidewalk. Blood splashed from both nostrils, soaking him with snot and bone.

4 Example O Niamh looked out the window while Mr. Z. talked. O Niamh pressed her head against the classroom window; her eyes desperately searched the barren, half-frozen football field for signs of life while Mr. Z. blathered on and on and on.

5 O Can you improve Z’s weak sentences?

6 The family approached their father.

7 The boxer looked at his opponent.

8 The man held the dog.

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