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Fast search for similar words Klaus U. Schulz CIS - LMU Munich joint work with Stoyan Mihov Bulgarian Academy of Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Fast search for similar words Klaus U. Schulz CIS - LMU Munich joint work with Stoyan Mihov Bulgarian Academy of Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fast search for similar words Klaus U. Schulz CIS - LMU Munich joint work with Stoyan Mihov Bulgarian Academy of Science

2 Problem Given a large lexicon D and possibly erroneous input tokens, for each input token v efficiently find the „most similar“ entries w of the lexicon.

3 Problem Given a large lexicon D and possibly erroneous input tokens, for each input token v efficiently find the „most similar“ entries w of the lexicon. Text correction Input: text with orthographic errors (e.g., from OCR recognition). For each non-lexical token v find good correction suggestions in the lexicon.

4 Problem Given a large lexicon D and possibly erroneous input tokens, for each input token v efficiently find the „most similar“ entries w of the lexicon. Text correction Input: text with orthographic errors (e.g., from OCR recognition). For each non-lexical token v find good correction suggestions in the lexicon. Correction of search queries „Lexicon“: list of known search queries Input: new queries v possibly with misspellings. If v not known, check if there are similar known queries.

5 Notions of similarity for words Levenshtein distance (edit distance) between two words v, w: minimal number of letter deletions, insertions or substitutions needed to rewrite v into w. E.g. d(chold,child)=1, d(cold,child)=2. Variants 1.Allow for other “edit operations”: transpositions of letters, merge of two letters, splitting one letter into two,… 2.Assign non-uniform “costs” to the operations depending on the symbols used. E.g. cost(I,i)=0.35, cost(I,m)=1, cost(m,in)=0.22.

6 Formalized problem Given large lexicon D, small bound n for the Levenshtein distance d, for each input token v efficiently find all entries w of D such that d(v,w) n. (Later consider variants of Levenshtein distance)

7 Structure of talk 1.Efficient solution for „Decision Problem“: Given two words v, w, decide if d(v,w) n. 1.Efficient solution for similarity search in very large lexica 1.Refinement with substantially improved efficiency

8 Decision Problem Standard solution

9 Wagner-Fischer Method: Compute Levenshtein distance d(v,w) via dynamic programming

10 Decision Problem Standard solution Wagner-Fischer Method: Compute Levenshtein distance d(v,w) via dynamic programming arkansas 012345678 a101234567 n211233456 a322223445 n433333455 a544444445 s655555554

11 Decision Problem Standard solution Wagner-Fischer Method: Compute Levenshtein distance d(v,w) via dynamic programming arkansas 012345678 a101234567 n211233456 a322223445 n433333455 a544444445 s655555554

12 Decision Problem Standard solution Wagner-Fischer Method: Compute Levenshtein distance d(v,w) via dynamic programming arkansas 012345678 a101234567 n211233456 a322223445 n433333455 a544444445 s655555554

13 Decision Problem Use of nondeterministic “Levenshtein” automata

14 For each input token v, use a nondeterministic automaton A n to recognize all words w such that d(v,w) n. E.g. v = chold, n=2:

15 Decision Problem Use of nondeterministic “Levenshtein” automata Problems 1.Nondeterminism of automata 1.Need special automaton for each garbled input word v

16 Triangular areas Given automaton A n for each partial input u of length k the „set of active states“ is always subset of k-th „triangular area“.

17 Triangular areas Empty input

18 Triangular areas Input „h“

19 Triangular areas Input „hc“

20 Triangular areas Input „hch“

21 Triangular areas Input „hchi“

22 Input behaviour Finding next set of active states Given set of active states and input symbol , next set of active states only depends on distribution of  in subword of pattern „chold“

23 Empty input Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

24 Empty input, next letter h Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

25 Empty input, next letter h Relevant subword: c h o Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

26 Empty input, next letter h Relevant subword: c h o Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

27 Empty input, next letter h Relevant subword: c h o Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

28 Input „h“ Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

29 Input „h“, next letter c Relevant subword: c h o l Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

30 Input „h“, next letter c Relevant subword: c h o l Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

31 Input „hc“ Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

32 Input „hc“ next letter h Relevant subword: c h o l d Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

33 Input „hch“ Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

34 Input „hch“, next letter i Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

35 Input „hch“, next letter i Relevant subword: h o l d Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

36 Input „hchi“ Input behaviour Finding next set of active states

37 Summing up 1. Introduce a new finite set of „universal“ states: subsets of triangle (plus second type of universal final states) Obtain universal set of states not dependent on input word v.

38 Summing up 2. Introduce universal transition function dependent only on distribution of „red“ and „green“ horizontal transitions

39 Summing up 2. Introduce universal transition function dependent only on distribution of „red“ and „green“ horizontal transitions Encode red/green by bitvector of symbols 0/1

40 Summing up 2. Introduce universal transition function dependent only on distribution of „red“ and „green“ horizontal transitions Encode red/green by bitvector of symbols 0/1 0 0 1 1 0

41 For n=2 five final triangular areas T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Final states char vectors refer to „hold“

42 For n=2 five final triangular areas T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Final states char vectors refer to „old“

43 For n=2 five final triangular areas T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Final states char vectors refer to „ld“

44 For n=2 five final triangular areas T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Final states char vectors refer to „d“

45 For n=2 five final triangular areas T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Final states no transitions possible, no vector needed

46 Since the characteristic input vectors change their length in each step the length of the characteristic vectors „tells us“ in which triangular area we are: e.g., for input vector 01 we are in T3 Final states

47 First idea: For each set of active states in the complete region T1-T5 that fits into one triangular area Ti we introduce a new state for the universal automaton. The derived state is final if it contains a final (red) state of underlying nondet. automaton Final states

48 Example of derived final state (cf. T2) Using M as a parameter for the length of the pattern, the blue universal state is {(M-3) 2,(M-1) 2,M 1,M 2 } Final states MM-1M-2M-3

49 Example of derived non-final state (cf. T1) Final states

50 Observation: for the derived non-final states we can use the universal states we already have; the length of input vectors will give us the position. Example: Blue state corresponds to {(I-2) 2,(I-1) 2,I 1,I 2,(I+1) 2 } for input vector of length 4 (where I is M-2) Final states

51 Example: Blue state corresponds to (I-2)^2 for input vector length 1 (I-1)^2 for input vector length 2 I^2 for input vector length 3 (I+1)^2 for input vector length 4 (i+2)^2 for input vector length 5 Final states

52 Resumee New final states: sets of active states that contain a final state of the underlying non-deterministic automaton. By using abstract parameter symbol „M“ for pattern length also these states are „universal. The earlier universal states with abstract parameter symbol „I“ obtain new transitions for shorter characteristic vectors.


54 Summing up Obtain a universal and deterministic automaton for given bound n. Given input word v and another word w, each letter  of w is translated into a bitvektor  encoding occurrences of  in relevant subwords of v. For bound n, bitvectors have length 2n+2,2n+1,…,2,1 Bitvectors of length 2n+1,…,2,1 indicate that we reach the pattern end. Bitvectors used as input „symbols“ for universal automaton. Universal automaton accepts sequence of bitvectors iff d(v,w) n.

55 Example Bound n=1 Garbled input word v=„chold“ Represented as $chold Second word w=child Translated into series  (c,$cho)=0100  (h,chol)=0100  (i,hold)=0000  (l,old)=010  (d,ld)=01

56 Example Bound n=1 Garbled input word v=„chold“ Represented as $chold Second word w=child Translated into series  (c,$cho)=0100  (h,chol)=0100  (i,hold)=0000  (l,old)=010  (d,ld)=01

57 Example Bound n=1 Garbled input word v=„chold“ Represented as $chold Second word w=child Translated into series  (c,$cho)=0100  (h,chol)=0100  (i,hold)=0000  (l,old)=010  (d,ld)=01

58 Example Bound n=1 Garbled input word v=„chold“ Represented as $chold Second word w=child Translated into series  (c,$cho)=0100  (h,chol)=0100  (i,hold)=0000  (l,old)=010  (d,ld)=01

59 Example Bound n=1 Garbled input word v=„chold“ Represented as $chold Second word w=child Translated into series  (c,$cho)=0100  (h,chol)=0100  (i,hold)=0000  (l,old)=010  (d,ld)=01

60 Example Bound n=1 Garbled input word v=„chold“ Represented as $chold Second word w=child Translated into series  (c,$cho)=0100  (h,chol)=0100  (i,hold)=0000  (l,old)=010  (d,ld)=01

61 New solution for „Decision Problem“ For each distance bound n, a universal deterministic Levenshtein automaton is computed offline (once). Offers very efficient method to decide for arbitrary input words v,w if d(v,w) n. Size dependent on bound n. In practice: n < 8. Universal deterministic Levenshtein automata

62 2 Similarity search in large lexicon Main ideas Represent lexicon as deterministic finite-state automaton Given pattern v, start a complete traversal of lexicon automaton but use universal Levenshtein automa as control: Translate letters of lexicon words into bitvectors using pattern v. Failure in the Levenshtein automaton causes failure and backtracking for search If in both automata a final state is reached, output lexicon word.

63 Example Lexicon: axis,behave,child,church,cold,hate,hold a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

64 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

65 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

66 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t  (a,$cho)=0000 o

67 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

68 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t  (x, chol)=0000 o

69 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t  (x, chol)=0000 No transition with 0000 o

70 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

71 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t  b,$cho)=0000 o

72 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

73 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t  (e, chol)=0000 o

74 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t  (e, chol)=0000 No transition with 0000 o

75 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

76 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (c,$cho)=0100

77 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

78 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t  (h,chol)=0100 o

79 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

80 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (i, hold)=0000

81 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

82 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (l, old)=010

83 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

84 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (d, ld)=01

85 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

86 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o First output: child

87 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

88 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (u, hold)=0000

89 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

90 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (r,old)=000

91 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (r,old)=000 No transition with 000

92 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

93 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (o,chol)=0010

94 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

95 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (l,hold)=0010

96 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

97 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (d,old)=001

98 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

99 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o 2nd output: cold

100 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

101 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (h,$cho)=0010

102 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

103 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (o,chol)=0010

104 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

105 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (l,hold)=0010

106 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

107 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (d,old)=001

108 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

109 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o 3rd output: hold

110 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o

111 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o  (a,hold)=0000 No transition with 0000

112 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o Finished No transition with 0000

113 Example: input “chold”, n=1 a x i b e h a v s c h e h i l d u r c h o a t o Visited Not visited

114 Stackbasierte Implementierung

115 Evaluation

116 Three lexica BL (Bulgarian), GL (German), TL (Book Titles)

117 Evaluation



120 3. Improving efficiency

121 Structure of lexicon automaton

122 3. Improving efficiency Structure of lexicon automaton Enourmous branching close to start

123 3. Improving efficiency Structure of lexicon automaton Enourmous branching close to startAlmost no branching deeper inside

124 3. Improving efficiency Structure of lexicon automaton Enourmous branching close to startAlmost no branching deeper inside Even for bound n=1, have to visit all transitions and translate labels

125 3. Improving efficiency Main idea, here for n=1: Input word v Split v in two subwords v1, v2 If v contains at most 1 error, distinguish two cases: 1.v1 contains 0 errors, v2 at most 1 error 2.v2 contains 0 errors, v1 one error Subsearch for Case 1: Use standard lexicon automaton as before Subsearch for Case 2: Use automaton for lexicon of reversed words (backward lexicon)

126 3. Improving efficiency Main idea, here for n=1: Input word v Split v in two subwords v1, v2 If v contains at most 1 error, distinguish two cases: 1.v1 contains 0 errors, v2 at most 1 error 2.v2 contains 0 errors, v1 one error Subsearch for Case 1: Use standard lexicon automaton as before Subsearch for Case 2: Use automaton for lexicon of reversed words (backward lexicon) Both cases: no search/backtracking needed in „dense“ part of automaton

127 3. Improving efficiency Subsearch 1 0 errorsat most 1 error v1v2 forward Forward lexicon automaton

128 3. Improving efficiency Subsearch 2 1 error0 errors v1v2 backward Backward lexicon automaton

129 Evaluation



132 Generalizations of results Similar results for many variants of Levenshtein distance: Adding transpositions as edit operations Adding merges and splites as edit operations Adding more complex edit operations (lll-> in) Restricting edit operations to specific symbols or strings (With Petar Mitankin, Bulg. Ac. Of Science)

133 Conclusion When looking for algorithmic solutions for problems around sequences or strings we tend to only consider a „left-to-right“ search strategy. Sometimes much better algorithms are obtained when going beyond conventional „left-to-right“.

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