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6 TRAIT WRITING By Dr. Kenneth Holmes 6 + 1 Concept 1. Ideas 2. Organization 3.Voice 4.Word Choice 5.Sentence Fluency 6.Conventions + 1 Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "6 TRAIT WRITING By Dr. Kenneth Holmes 6 + 1 Concept 1. Ideas 2. Organization 3.Voice 4.Word Choice 5.Sentence Fluency 6.Conventions + 1 Presentation."— Presentation transcript:


2 6 TRAIT WRITING By Dr. Kenneth Holmes

3 6 + 1 Concept 1. Ideas 2. Organization 3.Voice 4.Word Choice 5.Sentence Fluency 6.Conventions + 1 Presentation

4 WHAT CRITERIA DO YOU USE? To evaluate a written assignment?

5 1. IDEAS/CONTENT Focused and clean Controlling idea Relevant details Purposeful Shows insight

6 Did the writer stay focused and share original and fresh information on the topic?

7 2. ORGANIZATION Enhances and show cases the central idea Order is compelling

8 Does the structure enhance the ideas?

9 3. VOICE Gets readers attention Expressive Get to know the person behind the words

10 Would the reader be motivated to keep reading the piece if it were longer?

11 4. WORD CHOICE Strong vocabulary Natural Message is clear Creates an image Supports and enhances the ideas

12 Do the words and phrases create vivid pictures that linger in your mind?

13 5. SENTENCE FLUENCY Pleasant to read Natural

14 Can you feel the words and phrases flow together?

15 6. CONVENTIONS Capitalization Punctuation Quotes Grammar Spelling Paragraphing

16 How much work would a copy editor need to prepare for publication?

17 Plus 1 PRESENTATION Neat Looks “polite” Good use of white space Subtitles Bullets Charts Pictures

18 SUMMARY Prepare a writing file Samples of others writing How is the paper to be marked? What are the teacher’s expectations?

19 GOOD LUCK!!!! The end……

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