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Structures Function.  Lungs  Bronchi  Alveoli LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT  Nasal cavity  Sinuses  Pharynx  Larynx  Epiglottis  Trachea UPPER RESPIRATORY.

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Presentation on theme: "Structures Function.  Lungs  Bronchi  Alveoli LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT  Nasal cavity  Sinuses  Pharynx  Larynx  Epiglottis  Trachea UPPER RESPIRATORY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structures Function

2  Lungs  Bronchi  Alveoli LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT  Nasal cavity  Sinuses  Pharynx  Larynx  Epiglottis  Trachea UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT

3  Nasal cavity  Divided by a septum (L & R)  Lined with mucus & cilia

4  Sinuses  Body cavity lined with mucus  Drain into nasal cavity  Resonate voice  Pharynx  Connects oral & nasal cavity  Epiglottis  Cartilage that closes when swallowing

5  Larynx  Connects pharynx to trachea  Voice box  Vocalization

6  Trachea  Known as windpipe  Passage way from the larynx & leads into the 2 bronchi  Sits in front of esophagus  Wall of trachea = 15-20 C shaped cartilage rings  Lined with mucus & cilia

7  Bronchi  Trachea divides into L & R (shorter/wider) bronchial tubes  Thin, muscular walls lined with cilia & mucus  Branch off into smaller tubes (bronchioles)  End @ the alveoli

8  Alveoli (Gas exchange occurs)  Small sacs containing surfactant (lipid preventing collapse)  Surfactant develops @ 27-30 weeks in utero  Approx. 300 million per lung (clusters of 15-20)  Contain capillaries (exchange of oxygen/carbon dioxide)  Oxygen diffuses into the capillaries (picked up by RBC)  Carbon dioxide diffuses out of the RBC into the alveoli

9  Body has 4-6 min. supply of oxygen  Responsible for taking in oxygen / removing carbon dioxide  Carbon dioxide = metabolic waste byproduct produced by the cells

10  Lungs  Airtight, elastic structures enclosed in the thoracic cavity  Covered with pleura (serous membrane causing smooth motion)  Porous / Spongy due to alveoli & high amount of oxygen  Right lung is larger / Left lung is smaller

11  Measure while taking pulse; pt. is not to know you are measuring Resp.  Leave fingers @ pulse site while counting respirations  When finished, document both Pulse and Respirations

12  All breathing is silent with effort  Adult  12 to 20  Children  16 to 25  Infant (may use a stethoscope)  30 to 50

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