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 starter activity Try to explain a word without actually saying it. The winner is the student who guesses the most words correctly  Starter.

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity Try to explain a word without actually saying it. The winner is the student who guesses the most words correctly  Starter."— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity Try to explain a word without actually saying it. The winner is the student who guesses the most words correctly  Starter

2 How far had England moved toward Protestantism? TBAT evaluate the scale of the move towards Protestantism under Henry  Learning objectives  Key words: caesorpapism real presence episcopal justification by faith

3 What does the image of Henry on the title page of the Great Bible (1539) tell us? Who are the others in the picture and what are they proclaiming?  Why did Henry want a Great Bible in English in every church? Click image for colour version

4  Your task Read p.137-41 and create a chart similar to the one below. On one side note evidence the country has moved towards Protestantism and on the other that the old faith remained strong. Read p.137-41 and create a chart similar to the one below. On one side note evidence the country has moved towards Protestantism and on the other that the old faith remained strong.  Why do you think Henry changed his mind so much over religious policy?  Why do you think Henry changed his mind so much over religious policy?

5  Your task You will be given a series of cards. First organise them into two piles – Protestant & Catholic. You will be given a series of cards. First organise them into two piles – Protestant & Catholic. Map them on a living graph to show how Protestant or Catholic England was by 1540 Map them on a living graph to show how Protestant or Catholic England was by 1540

6 This House believes that England was not a profoundly Protestant nation by 1540

7 How far had England moved toward Protestantism? TBAT evaluate the scale of the move towards Protestantism under Henry  Learning objectives  Key words: caesorpapism real presence episcopal justification by faith

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