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HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GREAT WEEK! What is something new you have learned?

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Presentation on theme: "HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GREAT WEEK! What is something new you have learned?"— Presentation transcript:

1 HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GREAT WEEK! What is something new you have learned?


3 H.I.V. Human Immunodeficiency Virus

4 A.I.D.S. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

5 Spectrum of HIV Infection Initial Infection/Acute Onset Asymptomatic Chronic Symptoms AIDS

6 When does HIV develop into AIDS?

7 Incubation Period Definition: from the point of HIV infection until the development of AIDS Time range: 6 months to 11 or more years

8 HIV Information VIRUS = NO CURE HIV can only live in living cells HIV can make 10 billion copies of itself every day Tests will show a person has HIV 6 months after it was contracted

9 AIDS Information Symptoms: swollen glands, cold sweat, chronic diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, flu-like symptoms Diagnosis of AIDS is checked against 30 different criteria before an HIV patient is classified as having AIDS

10 More Information Chances of contracting HIV increase when one has another STD - immune system is fighting more than one thing - some STD’s are open soars that can make it easier for HIV to enter Smoking can cause someone with HIV to progress to AIDS sooner

11 HIV Transmission Occurs Through Contact With Infected Blood Semen Vaginal Secretions Breast Milk

12 How HIV Is Passed From One Person To Another Sex Blood-to-Blood Contact Birth/Breastfeeding

13 Most People Are Infected With HIV: Because they had unprotected sex with an HIV infected person Because they shared drug injection equipment with an HIV infected person

14 Sexual Transmission of HIV Unprotected Oral Sex Unprotected Vaginal Sex Unprotected Anal Sex

15 Blood-to-Blood HIV Transmission Sharing injection drug equipment Mother to child during birth Accidental needle sticks Tattooing or body piercing Blood transfusions

16 Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission Can happen during pregnancy, labor, or delivery- though most perinatal infections happen during the birth process HIV- infected women can also infect their infants through breastfeeding

17 Michigan HIV Prevalence as of January, 2011 Source: MI Dept. of Community Health MALE: 15,090(75%) FEMALE: 4,410(25%) Total:19, 500

18 U.S. Overview as of July, 2010 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC estimates that more than one million people are living with HIV in the United States. One in five (21%) of those people living with HIV is unaware of their infection. 56,300 new infections occur yearly More than 18,000 people with AIDS still die each year in the US.

19 People At Greatest Risk Men who have sex with men People who use drugs and alcohol In a heterosexual couple, women are at more risk because semen is more abundant than vaginal fluid and can live for days inside her

20 Reduce Your Risk!!! Don’t use injection drugs or share drug injection equipment; Seek drug treatment Don’t have anal, vaginal, or oral sex Use condoms or other barrier methods consistently and correctly Only have sex in the context of a mutually faithful relationship

21 VIDEO Just Like Me: Talking about AIDS

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