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Burnside Day Service Review Meetings with parents and carers 17 April 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Burnside Day Service Review Meetings with parents and carers 17 April 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Burnside Day Service Review Meetings with parents and carers 17 April 2015

2 What’s happened so far..  Meetings with customers, parents and staff  Cabinet paper and options for the service  Public consultation October to January 2015  Next steps …. 2

3 Aims – why are we doing this ?  To improve & develop the services for the future  To make sure the needs of customers can continue to be met  To make sure we use money in the best way  To meet best practice and government expectations 3

4 Consultation – A summary  Meetings with customers and carers  A public meeting in November  A consultation questionnaire –90 people started a questionnaire –45-50 people answered most of the questions –50% were a Burnside customer or carer 4

5 The Questionnaire: Option 1 - People who agreed/disagreed Option 1: To do nothing and carry on as usual  8 people agreed or strongly agreed  Of whom 3 were customers or carers  33 people disagreed or strongly disagreed  Of whom 16 were customers and carers  6 people said neither or not sure 5

6 Option 2 and Option 3 People who agreed Option 2: To improve the building and develop the service  29 people agreed or strongly agreed  Of whom 11 were customers and carers  5 people said neither or not sure Option 3: To develop alternative services for customers and then close the existing building.  18 people agreed or strongly agreed  Of whom 8 were customers and carers  9 people said neither or not sure 6

7 Option 2 and Option 3 People who disagreed Option 2: Improve the building & develop the service  14 people disagreed or strongly disagreed  Of whom 7 were customers and carers  5 people said neither or not sure Option 3: Develop alternative services then close the existing building.  16 people disagreed or strongly disagreed  Of whom 6 were customers and carers  9 people said neither or not sure 7

8 Comments people made – Some examples:  The service is excellent, the building is not fit for it's current use. It has been let to fall into disrepair both internally and externally and has not been used to its full potential.  Again you have to differentiate the service from the building. Obviously the building need much improvement, but I do not see why this cannot be achieved in its current position  I still want to be with my friends  I would like a nice new building. 8

9 Comments people made – Some examples:  Burnside is too big a building in too remote part of the town  To have a smaller building which wouldn't cost so much.  In an ideal world the service would be central to the community with more scope for the community to be involved - not marginalised on the industrial estate.  I'd like the services in Burgess Hill to be even better than they are now. 9

10 Comments people made – Some examples:  If Burnside was to close I feel this very important Community and Support Network for Adults with Learning Disabilities would be lost for ever and be a significant downgrade in service for this vulnerable group in our community.  A permanent base where clients can meet to access services is needed in Burgess Hill and if the Burnside site is disposed of.  I believe it will be very difficult to find alternative premises in such a good central position.  The building could be made smaller or used to provide two units for different ages.  Option 3 is too vague - no details seem to be available and as such it cannot constitute a valid choice. 10

11 Next steps …  No decisions have been made yet  We want to talk to you about ideas and plans for day services in-mid Sussex;  As part of this work we will need to look at :  Needs of different customers and outcomes  The purpose and aims for services  Where services could be based, facilities and travel  Community partners  Good examples of day services  We will set out a plan for doing this work with you and timetable for doing this 11

12 Important ideas for the services  Choice and flexibility for customers  Meeting individual needs, outcomes and aspirations  Services and opportunities more local to where people live  Good quality facilities: A good place to be and a good place to work (a safe and friendly place to be)  Smaller community hubs that promote community presence and can respond and change according to the needs of customers 12

13 Important ideas for the services  Partnership with communities  Sustainable for the future  A fair and equal offer to customers and carers  Working in partnership … 13

14 Examples and possibilities …  Looking and learning from other services (e.g. Oaks and Horizons, Day Share, services in the independent sector)  Potential partners and opportunities in Burgess Hill..  Potential partners and opportunities in Crawley, East Grinstead and Haywards Heath … 14

15 How would you like to work together ?  Regular communication and information sharing  Local working Groups ?  Explore local communities and opportunities across Mid-Sussex  Develop proposals  Decisions made at the right time 15

16 Important to remember..  Nothing has been decided yet  Nothing will change soon  Nothing will change without talking to you first  We will build on the good things about the services  Everyone who needs a service will get one 16

17 Questions and discussion 17

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