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Australia This island continent is the world’s driest, but better watered in the east, southeast and southwest coastal regions, where most live in highly.

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Presentation on theme: "Australia This island continent is the world’s driest, but better watered in the east, southeast and southwest coastal regions, where most live in highly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australia This island continent is the world’s driest, but better watered in the east, southeast and southwest coastal regions, where most live in highly concentrated urban areas. There are three permanently inhabited dependent territories: Norfolk Island (35 sq km; 2,037 pop), Christmas Is. (135 sq km; 1,408 pop), Cocos Is. (14 sq km; 591 pop).

2 Australia PRAY FOR THE COUNTRY Area: 7,682,300 sq km Population: 21,507,384  Annual Growth: 1.1% Capital: Canberra Urban Percent: 89.1% Human Development Index Rank: 2 of 182 countries

3 Australia PRAY FOR THE PEOPLE Peoples: 143 (11 unreached) Languages: 207 Official Languages: English. 20% of the population use English as a second language. Largest Religion: Christian (70% of population) ChristiansOther Religions P=ProtestantJ=Judaism I=IndependentM=Muslim A=AnglicanBh=Bahai C=CatholicB=Buddhist O=OrthodoxH=Hindu S=MarginalSk=Sikh U=UnaffiliatedCh=Chinese Rel. X=Other Christian;E=Trad. Ethnic All ChristiansN=Non-Religious T=Other

4 Australia PRAY FOR THE CHURCH Christians (self-identified):  14,947,632  69.5% of population  Annual Growth: 0.5% Evangelicals:  3,106,949  14.4% of population  Annual Growth: 1.1%

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