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Focus:.   All elements are grouped into 3 categories based on similar properties:  1. Metals  2. Nonmetals  3. Metalloids Lesson: Notes will go here!

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Presentation on theme: "Focus:.   All elements are grouped into 3 categories based on similar properties:  1. Metals  2. Nonmetals  3. Metalloids Lesson: Notes will go here!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus:

2   All elements are grouped into 3 categories based on similar properties:  1. Metals  2. Nonmetals  3. Metalloids Lesson: Notes will go here!

3   Are located to the left of the zig zag line  Good conductors of electricity and heat  Have a shiny or metallic luster  Malleable (can bend or be reshaped)  Ductile (drawn into a wire) Metals usually…..

4   Are located to the right of the zigzag line  Exception to the rule: Hydrogen  Poor conductors of electricity and heat (good insulators)  Dull luster  Brittle (break easily if they are solids)  Most are gases Nonmetals usually…..

5   Adjacent to the zigzag lines  Have properties similar to metals and nonmetals  Conduct SOME heat and electricity (but not effective)  Ductile  Malleable Metalloids usually….

6   Focus: TOC: Reactivity 10/2/2014

7   Reactivity is the ability of an element to react with other elements on the Periodic Table.  This has a lot to do with Valence electrons  The fewer the number of valence electrons an element has to gain or lose to create a FULL outer energy level, the more reactive it is! REACTIVITY:

8  What makes atoms unstable / reactive?  Incompletely filled valence electron shells.  Atoms are stable when they have 0 or 8 electrons in outer level.  They will gain, lose, or share electrons to empty or fill outer level.

9  Which are Reactive & which are not???  Alkali Metals (Group1A) only have 1 valence electron, so they are VERY reactive METALS!  Halogens (Group 7A) only needs one more valence electron to make 8, so they are VERY reactive NONMETALS!  The Noble Gases (Group 8A) have a complete outer shell, so they do not react with anything! They are considered Inert or stable!!

10  Outline Metals blue Non-mentals yellow Metalloids Green

11   “Reactivity of Elements” goes here once graded and returned Y our Activity

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