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North And South History Term 2 2/3/14 By Bobby Gagnon.

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1 North And South History Term 2 2/3/14 By Bobby Gagnon

2 Economy in the North The northerners economy relied on farms and manufacturers. The north had blacksmith, shoemakers, and tailors. That was replaced by powered machines to perform the tasks that were once made by hand.

3 North and South Economy Advances in technology and transportation shaped the north’s economy. The south used cotton as their way of life. Cotton was vital to the economy to the south.

4 Economy in the South Southerners saved on money by using slavery for cheap/ easy labor. A cotton gin was invented in 1793 by Eli Whitney. The cotton gin improved greatly on the south’s economy

5 Transportation Transportation in the north was contributed to the success of many new industries. Construction crews were building new roads and canals. The canals opened new shipping routes for trades.

6 Transportation New inventions of transportation were evolving. Steamboats were invented in 1807 by Robert Fulton. Steamboats carried goods and passengers cheaper and more quickly along the new waterways, more efficient than a vessel or flatboats.

7 Transportation Rail roads were used for miners to get to the rivers, but transportation was needed The south used rail lines for transportation moving goods from place to place. Railroads were short, local, and did not connect all parts of the region in a network.

8 Way of Life in the North Technology in the north helped with transportation with new roads, farther travel and more ways of getting there. Improved industrialization helped with more jobs and more manufacturing. Inventions helps with better efficiency and less man labor.

9 Way of Life in the South Southern factories were argued as a better way to revive the economy. Slavery grew stronger for the south to make more money. Rail roads were being used more for transportation.

10 Hyperlinks wgQ wgQ lkk lkk

11 sources ‘The American Journey’ history textbook YouTube: North and south differences

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