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Welcome to Year 4 Working in Year 4 will be  Mrs Humpage  Mrs Harrison  Mrs O’Connor – Wednesday afternoon.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 4 Working in Year 4 will be  Mrs Humpage  Mrs Harrison  Mrs O’Connor – Wednesday afternoon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 4 Working in Year 4 will be  Mrs Humpage  Mrs Harrison  Mrs O’Connor – Wednesday afternoon

2 Timetable What they will need:  Everyday they should bring in their reading book and reading record book – school bag  Letters to be given to the teacher at the beginning of the morning  Wednesday – PE kit – this half term it is outdoor games – trainers must be worn  Tuesday –their swimming kit in a small bag and coat when the weather starts to get colder  Mondays, Wednesday & Thursday – guitars & recorders– to be put in the corridor by the library and taken home at the end of the day. The children have now been allocated their groups and these will be rotated termly to avoid missing the same subject area.

3 Expectations the children are now familiar with the routines and organisation of the juniors – wearing indoor plimsolls, how break time and lunchtimes are organised – still expected to follow to become more independent and involved in their learning to build on their previous year’s learning so that they continue to move forward that they take pride in their work and present their work to a high standard - handwriting – working towards a pen licence this term that work is completed and handed in on time so that feedback can be given and acted upon that they take responsibility – within the classroom – monitors Behaviour – keep to the class rules we have decided upon together

4 Curriculum The Year 4 curriculum overview can be found shortly on the website and this will give an outline of what we will be covering this year. On the class webpage you will also find the weeks homework and a recommended reading list for Year 4.

5 Spellings We will be reviewing List A from last year and working on list B in addition to their personal spellings

6 Homework Homework as you know will be given on a: Wednesday –RE the ‘Wednesday Word’ Friday – English – comprehension task, punctuation and grammar task. The grammar task will be marked with the pupils on the Thursday morning. Maths - online task using ‘My Maths’ programme where appropriate or suitable maths activity related to the weeks work. On-going – There is an expectation that children in Year 4 should know all of the times tables. This term the focus will be on the multiplication tables for x 6 x 9 related to x 3. Daily reading Homework books – same standard of presentation, returned to school by Wednesday – maths book can be used for working out and evaluating their task when doing an online activity.

7 Other websites we will be using include: – that supports many curriculum topics in addition to English and Maths - all subjects which is an online interactive programme books in on time please

8 website

9 And Finally! Remember that if you have any concerns then please come and speak to me. I, like you, want the best for your child and therefore I should be your first port of call. Mrs Flint or Mrs Dell will be happy to make an appointment for you and I will be more than happy to meet with you – before or after school. Myself and Mrs Harrison, look forward to working in partnership with yourselves and your child, and we hope it will be a happy and productive year.

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