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By: A. Riasi (PhD in Animal Nutrition & Physiology) تغذیه دام در مرتع Animal nutrition on the rangeland (Part 2)

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2 By: A. Riasi (PhD in Animal Nutrition & Physiology) تغذیه دام در مرتع Animal nutrition on the rangeland (Part 2)

3 Why the rangelands are important for grazer ruminants' nutrition?

4 Arable land in the world, or land that is capable of being cultivated, are limited (FAO, 2002). Depending on the ecology of the region, grasses, clovers and other forbs, shrubs, and even some trees serve as forage for livestock.

5 Why the rangelands are important for grazer ruminants' nutrition? Grasslands and rangelands occupy a large proportion of the world land area. These ecosystems are naturally able to capture sunlight and convert it into food energy for plants.

6 Why the rangelands are important for grazer ruminants' nutrition? Literally millions of tons of plant derived food energy are harvested off arable lands each year in the world. These ecosystems can be very productive from a plant biomass perspective.

7 Why the rangelands are important for grazer ruminants' nutrition? Grazing of native and introduced forages on grasslands and rangeland thus is a very efficient way of converting otherwise non-digestible energy into forms available for human use:  Milk  Meat  Wool and other fibers, and hide.

8 Why the rangelands are important for grazer ruminants' nutrition? The principal attribute describing grassland ecosystems and ruminant nutrition is interconnectivity.

9 Why the rangelands are important for grazer ruminants' nutrition? The role of microorganisms is important in:  Soil  Ruminant body

10 Why the rangelands are important for grazer ruminants' nutrition? Animals occupy a niche and complete the nutrient cycle by returning up to 90 percent of ingested nutrients back to the soil in the form of:  Feces  Urine  Their own bodies after death

11 Why the rangelands are important for grazer ruminants' nutrition? Products from grass-finished livestock are higher in omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated lineolic acid than conventionally raised counterparts.

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