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 There will be two sessions: 1 st 6:00-6:30pm 2 nd 6:30-7:00pm  Please proceed to your child’s HOMEROOM class to begin the presentation. Once you have.

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Presentation on theme: " There will be two sessions: 1 st 6:00-6:30pm 2 nd 6:30-7:00pm  Please proceed to your child’s HOMEROOM class to begin the presentation. Once you have."— Presentation transcript:

1  There will be two sessions: 1 st 6:00-6:30pm 2 nd 6:30-7:00pm  Please proceed to your child’s HOMEROOM class to begin the presentation. Once you have attended one session, there is no need to stay as the sessions will repeat. 6 TH GRADE BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT

2 BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT 6 TH GRADE Mr. Oliver Mr. Saignac Mr. Schultz Mrs. Tsap

3 Welcome! Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I understand. ~Ancient Chinese Proverb  We are looking forward to an exciting school year filled with rich, cross-discipline, learning experiences.  We will foster critical thinking and create links between the real world and the classroom.  We encourage our students to strive for greatness and never settle for mediocrity!  Another goal of ours this year is to encourage and improve your students’ independence and time management skills!

4 Math Curriculum & Resources  Algebraic concepts, operations with integers, decimals, fractions, percents, proportions, ratios, linear equations, inequalities, and more!  Everyday Mathematics (includes online text book)  : a comprehensive math practice site with an unlimited number of math practice questions in hundreds of skills  Aligned to state standards  Immediate feedback  Parents can monitor progress  Teachers can monitor progress  Involves technology in learning Hopefully, if they don’t already, your student will learn to love math this year! We do!

5 -Earth’s features, rock cycle, water cycle, Earth’s resources & alternative energy, earthquakes, volcanoes, biomes, ecosystems, & more! Holt California 6 th grade Earth Science Textbook Hands-on experiments Field trips Science Fair Many of our science projects directly correspond to math concepts and will also be connected to the Humanities literature. Science Curriculum & Resources

6 Language Arts and Social Studies curriculum built into comprehensive program Focus is on writing, reading and analysis from different sources, group discussions to develop critical thinking, and oral presentations Students will learn the importance of laws, social organizations, economic factors, government, and religions and their influence on the modern world through the study of ancient civilizations from Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece, and Rome Language Arts and Social Studies

7 Daily Schedule: Math  Warm-up – Math Messages  Notes/Guided Practice  Partner Practice/examples (integrated into notes)  Homework –

8 Schedule: Science  Activity/KWL chart  Notes  Lab/experiment  Discussion  Classwork

9 Electives/Universal Access Math Enrichment – Problem Solving Skills Language Arts - Writing Music Computers

10 Ivy Policies: Attendance Attendance is mandatory to ensure your child has access to the curricula! Everyday your child is absent, they are missing vital content! Assignments are not excused for unexcused absences. Therefore, your child must complete missing assignments from unexcused absences. The Ivy Attendance Policy has been updated, and we urge you to review the SHARED SUPPORT AGREEMENT carefully!

11 Math: graded on a weekly bases Due the next day (unless otherwise specified) Missing homework will result in a zero for the assignment Homework will be posted daily on our Sixth Grade Website Math: Your child will have homework every day (Monday-Thursday)! Each day is worth 1 homework point, adding to 5 points a week. Please ensure that your child checks their HW calendar daily and powerschool at least weekly to stay current on assignments. Homework

12 Technology Resources   https://em-  

13 Grading  Math:  Tests 30%  Homework 10%  Classwork/participation 20%  Projects 20%  Quizzes 20%  Science/Social Studies/Language Arts:  Tests/quizzes 30%  Classwork/participation 30%  Homework 10%  Projects 30%

14 Supplies: Organization is imperative! We don’t listen to reasons for leaving supplies other classrooms, or at home. Preparedness affects participation grade See Supply List on the website and/or in the Welcome Packet

15 Please visit the 6 th grade site often for information and updates! Teacher’s Pages: EC_ID=244273&pREC_ID=classes Contact us via e-mail with questions/concerns at Thank you for joining us!

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