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“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost p. 376 CCRS – W.9-10.4, W.9-10.9, W.9-10.10, RL.9-10.1, RL.9-10.2, RL.9-10.5, RL.9- 10.10, SL.9-10.1, L.9-10.1, L.9-10.2,

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Presentation on theme: "“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost p. 376 CCRS – W.9-10.4, W.9-10.9, W.9-10.10, RL.9-10.1, RL.9-10.2, RL.9-10.5, RL.9- 10.10, SL.9-10.1, L.9-10.1, L.9-10.2,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost p. 376 CCRS – W.9-10.4, W.9-10.9, W.9-10.10, RL.9-10.1, RL.9-10.2, RL.9-10.5, RL.9- 10.10, SL.9-10.1, L.9-10.1, L.9-10.2, L.9- 10.4, L.9-10.5, L.9-10.6 Literary Skills – understand contradictions

2 Literary Term Contradictions – two feelings, events, or statements that are opposites

3 Quickwrite p. 376 Think of a choice you made that marked a turning point in your life – trying out for a sports team, signing up as a volunteer in your community, standing up for a friend. Go back to the moment when you made the choice, and imagine that you made a different one instead. Jot down notes about how you envision your life would be different if that turning point had never happened.

4 Contradictions When you come across contradictory statements in literary works, you might first assume that one statement is true and the other is not, or you might try to figure out which statement the writer really meant. However, sometimes both statements are true in some way, and the writer meant both of them. The poet Robert Frost called “The Road Not Taken” a tricky poem. Try and figure out exactly what Frost’s attitude is about life and the choices we make.

5 While Reading 1. What choice does the speaker face? 2. Why did the speaker make the choice he made? 3. What is the contradiction in the second stanza? 4. In what way does he say the paths were equal? 5. The speaker claims he kept the other path for another day. Does he really believe he will come back? Explain. 6. Explain what the speaker means in the last two lines of the poem.

6 Activity Title Choice – Why do you think Frost titled this poem “The Road Not Taken,” rather than “The Road Taken”? Explain your answer in a well-written paragraph. Frost’s Attitude – In a paragraph explain Frost’s attitude about life and the choices we make. Cite at least one reference to the poem. P. 380 Questions 1-5, 7 Complete the study guide ( Do this first and show teacher)

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