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In english Short presentation about Västbus in English Västbus.

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Presentation on theme: "In english Short presentation about Västbus in English Västbus."— Presentation transcript:

1 In english Short presentation about Västbus in English Västbus

2 Contents What is Västbus? How is Västbus managed? Why did Västbus develope? How does the agreement work in practice? Västbus

3 What is Västbus? Short for collaboration in Western Sweden for children and young adults Agreement/guidelines between regional healthcare and the 49 municipalities of Western Sweden to cooperate concerning children and young adults with psychic, psychiatric and social needs. Approved by social services, schools, local health care, specialist health care and other facilities that meet the target group within the regional healthcare and municipalities. Since 2005 and renewed 2012.

4 What does Västbus consist of? An agreement, obligation and responsibility between the parties to collaborate for the target group Values concerning the childs best, collaboration with parents and the family as the pivotal focus. The main purpose is to avoid that children who need help fall “between organizational chairs” and don´t receive the required help. Guidelines on how to collaborate both on a structural, organizational level and a practical level around the child

5 Collaboration meetings over organisation boarders in order to quicker and more effectively meet multifaceted problems SIP*, written plan in collaboration to make sure needs are met and in order to structure care Follow up –are we doing what we say and are we making a difference? Västbus – structual and practical level Organization on a regional, part regional (5 groups) and local level Management teams Information and education Follow up, deviation

6 Samordnad individuell plan, SIP National law since 2010 that obligates heathcare and the municipalities to collaborate when a person/patient has needs and/or has help/services concerning both parties. The law points towards SIP as a tool to enable this. A SIP is a collaborational written plan to meet the persons needs and structure who does what, in what order, how and when. SIP concernes all persons/patients in requirement of services from both parties in order to fullfill their needs. Västbus has worked with SIP as a tool since 2005!

7 Why did Västbus develope?

8 Social services Child care School health care Church Child psychiatrics Institutions School Adult psychiatrics Police Youth clinic Health center GP Recreation center Non profit organisations Foster care Dentist Pre school Why did Västbus develope? Specialist health care Maternal health

9 SIP, the childs plan Aktivitetsplan Genomförandeplan Vårdplan Handlingsprogram Maternety health Habilitation care Child psychiatrics Social services Pre school Individuell plan Disability services Åtgärdsprogram School School health care

10 Why collaborate? Collaboration in order to give children and young adults the right help at the right time Economical, society benefits Qualified services Collective expertise Holistic picture of the child and the situation Early discovery of childrens needs Mutual learning It´s the only way to meet multifaceted problems!

11 Identified need Västbus/ SIP Assent Invitation Meeting + SIP Follow up meeting + SIP End Västbus collaboration meetings

12 ” Good to talk this way. This is the first time we both (parents) both participated in a whole meeting together. ” Everyone got an opportunity to talk and listen to eachother, there were more angles and thoughts then if I would have met everybody one and one. Parents voices about Västbusmöte

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