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Helping Child Amputees Walk. Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope helps child amputees in less developed countries HalimaVictoriaRuth.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping Child Amputees Walk. Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope helps child amputees in less developed countries HalimaVictoriaRuth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping Child Amputees Walk

2 Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope helps child amputees in less developed countries HalimaVictoriaRuth

3 They work in three countries: Sierra Leone, Liberia and India India Sierra Leone Liberia UK

4 Pollyanna and Elizabeth

5 Sarah, Pollyanna and Victoria

6 Some facts… There are 40 million amputees in developing countries Only 5% have access to prosthetic care 9 out of 10 child amputees in Liberia do not go to school

7 A charity that supports child amputees by: Helping them walk Helping them overcome trauma Helping them go to school Helping them overcome poverty

8 Kono Freetown Makeni Bo Mary – from Makeni, Sierra Leone

9 How does Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope support child amputees? Medical support Surgery Prostheses or other mobility aids Physiotherapy Counselling & fight against stigma Education & Poverty relief Secure school spaces Pay for one year of school Give money to parents so they can start a business and become self-reliant

10 What can we do?

11 Thank you!!!

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