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Newsletter February 2016 Contacts During sessions: - 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 - Outdoor Area Work is continuing.

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Presentation on theme: "Newsletter February 2016 Contacts During sessions: - 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 - Outdoor Area Work is continuing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newsletter February 2016 Contacts During sessions: - 01604 785123 Out of hours : - 07941 182487 Email: - Outdoor Area Work is continuing in our outdoor area. We now have two much needed sheds for toys and equipment, our water wall and music wall are complete and this week the sand pit and house are going to be put into place. We are hoping to have completed most of the work by the middle of February so that the children can begin using it after February half term. More information on our grand opening will follow soon! Newsletter Spring term Our topics for this half term are focused around the children’s interests and include Chinese new year and shrove Tuesday. Information regarding our themes and planned activities are displayed on the notice board in the corridor. Children are welcome to bring in items relating to our themes. Emergency Evacuation Procedure As many parents are now aware we had to carry out our emergency evacuation procedure recently, due to a suspected electrical fault in our building. In accordance with our procedure all children and staff left the Preschool building and made the short walk to St Andrews primary school where parents/carers were contacted and asked to pick up their children. The evacuation went very well and the children enjoyed their surprise visit to big school! We would ask that all children are collected promptly when parents are contacted and please can all children belongings ie coats, hats, gloves be labelled to avoid lost property. An electrician was called, the fault was a loose cover vibrating in the electric cupboard which set off an alarm the electrician checked the electrics and deemed everything to be in order so we were able to return to the building later in the day. Parents voice meeting Rachel and Laura will be holding a coffee Morning on Wednesday 24th February at 9.30am and welcome all parents/carers and siblings. Our focus will be on Tapestry and how parents can contribute photographs and observations from home via their phones and other electronic devices to share learning at home with us. We would also value your ideas and views on venues for this years summer trip and any other aspect of Bizzy Bears Preschool.

2 Severe Weather In the unlikely event that Bizzy Bears has to remain closed due to severe weather conditions, we will post this information on our own website and on the local radio. 104.2 and 103.6 FM (BBC radio Northampton) 96.6 FM (Heart) Dates for your diary Friday 12 th February – Pre school closes for half term Monday 22 nd February – Pre school opens Wednesday 24 th February 9.30am-Parents voice meeting Wednesday 16 th March 9.30am – School leavers group photograph Thursday 24 th March-Preschool closes for Easter Monday 11 th April-Preschool opens for summer term School leavers group Photograph Tempest photography will be at Bizzy Bears on Wednesday 16 th March at 9.15am to take a group photograph of all our school leavers. If your child does not attend this session and will be going to school in September 2016 they are invited in at 9.30am to have their picture taken. Front door Can we please ask that all parents close the main door behind them after coming in or out of pre school to keep the heat in during this cold weather spot. Policies We have reviewed our admissions policy and Special Educational needs and Inclusion policy this month. Our policies and procedures are available to parents and carers and are located in the changing rooms and on our website.

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