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Middle East. Tunisia  The current situation that Tunisia is in is that protestors are mad that Islamist dissolved the government had promised rapid elections.

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1 Middle East

2 Tunisia  The current situation that Tunisia is in is that protestors are mad that Islamist dissolved the government had promised rapid elections in a bid to clam protest of a war that t happened two years ago.

3 Algeria Some problems here is poor governance, and the cost to live their which is causing most of the young people out of the country.

4 Egypt Egypt has numerous problems one of them which being their president stepping down from office, this mad tons of protesters mad and some wanted him dead, this caused riots and death.

5 Libya In recent affairs an attack in Benghazi was formed killing and burning the united sates ambassador and three U.S Navy Seals.

6 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia has confirmed plots of terrorist attacks housing a neighborhood full of Americans and Westerners.

7 Jordan Not major problems but some problems are that the government Jordanian government would not give out the exact number of Palestinians in the kingdom.

8 Yemen Some current events in Yemen is Protestors have became violent of the turmoil they have been in because of the rule of the president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

9 Syria Syria is in an uprising Civil war. This Revolution began with Tunisia Revolution which had started because of the torture of students who had put up anti-Government graffiti.

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