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By Jordan Ridout.

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1 By Jordan Ridout

2 Different uses of motion graphics
Motion graphics are graphics that are videos or animations that are created on computers for information/ entertainment use. They are normally played with audio to go with the video. Motion graphics are really good are showing different things in a visual way. They are used for showing logos, titles and many more. You can find motion graphics in many different media. TV, Films, DVDs, internet videos and more. They are also used a lot in animations. All animated films now days will only use motion graphics.

3 Film TV Music Films use motion graphics in title sequences, this is a screen with images and clips from the film when you are pressing play or option. They also use it in CGI, this is when they change the way someone looks (Gollum in Lord Of The Rings) and add explosions and different effects. TV will uses title sequences as well to show off the start of the program, giving the views a lot more about the program you’re about to watch. TV will also use animated captions to give you information about a person that would be talking on screen. Finally some programs like Sherlock, has text on the screen to give you a better understanding of what they are thinking. Music videos use motion graphics for lyric videos, have the text fly on to the screen and symbol something to do with the word or song. E.g. If the song was about a flying, the lyric could be flying in the sky and going in and out clouds. Doing this is more visually interesting for the view then just still words scrolling up the page.

4 Social Media Presentation
Social media uses motion graphics to show that an action has happened, so if you send an / message or if you’re messaging something, the emoticon could go from a straight face to smiling. E.g. If you were to send an , the button of send if normally a plane and when you press it, the plane would fly around the screen to show the being sent. Presentations use motion graphics on the animations with the change from one slide to the next. This could have a good affect on the views to show you have put more detail in to the PowerPoint and it makes it more interesting for the person looking at your PowerPoint.

5 Examples Motion graphics are used in a whole bunch of different media from title sequences to adverts. This is a great way to entertain your audience and motion graphics is simple so it fit in with anything you could do. Advertisement DVD Interface Logos Title sequences Subtitles / Informing Animated captions

6 Examples Volkswagen Think Blue Mountain Dew “Green Label Art TV”
On this advert you can see that they have made the whole thing on the computer with the uses of motion graphics. You can see all the different shapes they have put together to make the cars and trees. It is a better way to engage and entertain the people watching. Mountain Dew “Green Label Art TV” But on this one you have a mixture of real life footage and motion graphics. Wherever the person goes on his skateboard, they have made it look like he is creating art but that is do on computers.

7 Characteristics Advertisement DVD Interface Logos
In a lot of DVD’s they have an interface like this, this is normally a screen which allows you to look at different things in the video. They normally has a background image to make it more interesting, some other DVD’s has little clips from the film. Some companies have their logo animated so it is more eye catching than a still image. If it was like an air port company that wanted it done, they could have their logo fly on to the screen (like a plane) and that will show that company is to do with planes. Using this in adverts could be more interesting for the viewers. They could put real life footage and motion graphics together and make it a lot more eye catching. They could also have it all motion graphics like this picture to make it easier for the people making the video.

8 Characteristics Title sequences Subtitles / Informing
Animated captions This could be different to what type of film/ TV program your watching. If you were watching an action film, the title sequences are more fast pace than something like a drama. They normally have graphics and credits move fast, e.g. credit following a bullet. Subtitles are normally at the bottom of the screen but with the new software they could have it all around the screen and make it fit with the video. This just adds to the effect of things, like have the writing blurry which could mean that the character could be drink. These normal come of the screen to say the name of the person that is talking, used more in documentaries. They are also designed to the program or they could have your name with a logo of your work if that was impotent to the program.

9 Benefits of using motion graphics
Motion graphics opens up a whole new world of different ideas with a new look on things. You are a lot more eye catching and colourful. Making a motion graphic costs less to make then a advert so you could save the company a lot of money. This could be on actors, cameras and many more things but motion graphics doesn’t need any of that. You can create a still image in to a moving animation that attracts people and engages them in your animation/ motion graphic. They can also be views for anything, on your TV’s, laptops, phones and they would with different software and web pages so it can be seen all around the world.

10 Interesting technological issues evidenced in the examples
Different video formats can work better or worse with the software you are using. After Effects works better with QuickTime, this could have a big effect on the program you want to do. Motion graphics are locked at 24fps (Frames Per Second) but when you go to broadcast it, it would be played in 25fps sp that could be a problem for certain projects. Also when you render it, if could look really good on the monitor you are on but they could look different on older TVs or even newer TVs. The colour of the pictures could mess up, the image could go blurry or pictures could be in wrong places.

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