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1 The National Weather Association Connecting operational meteorologists in pursuit of excellence in weather forecasting, communication, and service

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Presentation on theme: "1 The National Weather Association Connecting operational meteorologists in pursuit of excellence in weather forecasting, communication, and service"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The National Weather Association Connecting operational meteorologists in pursuit of excellence in weather forecasting, communication, and service

2 2 NWA is a grass-roots professional assoc. Non-profit, mostly-volunteer organization Focus on OPERATIONAL METEOROLOGY – Broadcasters – Private Enterprise – National Weather Service – Military weather – Web based services WHAT IS NWA?

3 3 NWA History and Fun Facts Founded 1975 with 5 members In 2010: 2700 members NWA Weathercaster Seal of Approval 12 active committees for involvement and leadership opportunities 6 scholarships and 2 grants


5 5 Membership Students 348 12% Faculty/Teachers 133 5% Broadcasters 834 32% Private Sector 267 10% Retired 185 7% Government 686 26% Military 58 2% Other 159 6%

6 6 Leadership Officers Councilors Committees: Aviation Professional Development Awards Publications Broadcast Meteorology Remote Sensing Education Specialized Operations Information Technology Strategic Planning Membership & Marketing Wx Analysis and Forecasting Space Weather ??

7 7 Web Site

8 8 Scholarships & Grants! Broadcast Meteorology David Sankey Minority Scholarship Arthur C. Pike Scholarship AccuWeather Undergraduate Scholarship Dr. Roderick A. Scofield Scholarship Cassens/Phillips Family Scholarship for Meteorology - Sol Hirsch Education Fund Grants for K-12 teachers Meteorological Satellite Applications Award Grant for Undergraduate Students

9 9 2010 NWA Annual Meeting

10 10 Annual Meeting Birmingham, Alabama – October 15 - 20, 2011 –Abstracts due June 1 –Weather Broadcaster Workshop –Student Session

11 11 Top Ten Reasons to Join NWA...

12 12 10. Belong to a professional organization 9. Promote operational meteorology 8. Free Newsletter and Digest 7. Stay tuned with what’s happening in the industry 6. Broadcaster Seal Program 5. Dues only $45, student dues only $18! 4. Publish painlessly in Digest or E-Journal 3. Professional Development 2. Facebook fan page and Twitter feeds 1. NETWORKING! Top Ten!

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