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Leadership and Management in the Presidency FDR Changed everything: Now what? Agenda Management Settingof Exec. Branch Truman Eisenhower.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership and Management in the Presidency FDR Changed everything: Now what? Agenda Management Settingof Exec. Branch Truman Eisenhower."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership and Management in the Presidency FDR Changed everything: Now what? Agenda Management Settingof Exec. Branch Truman Eisenhower

2 Harry Truman: Agenda Setting

3 Truman Approval Ratings Sources: Gallup, AP, research. From: Wall Street 31.html

4 FDR VPs John Nance Garner 1933-41 Henry Wallace 1941-45

5 Agenda Setting: Art and Science 1.Understanding trends 2.Prediction 3.Understanding impact of events 4.Timing 5.Salesmanship 6.Can you make the agenda bipartisan?

6 Successful

7 Ronald Reagan ending welfare (1986 speech)(1986 speech) Bill Clinton announces passage of welfare reform legislation (1996)welfare reform legislation

8 Sucesssful Ending “Big Government” Clinton SOTU 1996 “The era of big government is over.”

9 Not so Successful

10 Carter’s Energy Proposals 1977

11 Successful or Not? 2010: PL 111-148: Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActPL 111-148 2012: National Federation of Independent Businesses v. SebeliusNational Federation of Independent Businesses v. Sebelius 2015: King v. BurwellKing v. Burwell

12 Truman Agenda Setting US as a global power Fighting Communism –“Truman Doctrine” speech, March 1947speech, March 1947 –NSC-68NSC-68

13 Division of Europe

14 Soviet Atomic/Nuclear Weapons Soviet A-Bomb August 22, 1949 ard=EarthHistory&Number=32788&page=1&view=c ollapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 Soviet H-Bomb November 22, 1953

15 1949: Chinese Communists win Civil War Mao Zedong announces the People’s Republic of China October 1949

16 Two Developments 22 nd Amendment (1951) Candidate-centered Politics

17 Dwight David Eisenhower: Management

18 Why Like Ike?

19 Eisenhower Approval Ratings

20 Organizational Chart

21 Organization Theory Semi-independence Budget and Turf Battles Organizational Culture SOP

22 Coordination 1.Delegation 2.Interagency Process 3.Staff System

23 Delegation John Foster DullesGeorge Humphrey

24 Interagency Process Departments Cabinet Deputy Secretary level committee Under or Assistant Secretary level

25 Staff Chief of Staff Sherman Adams Ike and special assistant Robert Cutler

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