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Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 1 Lesson 12 Spelling.

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1 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 1 Lesson 12 Spelling Some English words follow certain patterns. Remembering these patterns can help you spell these words correctly. Words with ie and ei In words with ie or ei, the i usually comes before the e. Examples: believe, piece, and thief. Write i before e Except after c Or when the sound is long a As in neighbor and weigh.

2 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 2 Lesson 12 Spelling Common exceptions include: If the letters follow c, the e comes before the i. Example: receive If the letters stand for a long a sound, the e comes before the i. Examples: eight, veil Exceptions to these patterns include height, neither, and ancient.

3 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 3 Lesson 12 Spelling Words with the “Seed” Sound Words that end with the “seed” sound are usually spelled—cede. Examples: precede, concede A few words end in –ceed Examples: exceed, proceed One common English word ends in –sede: supersede

4 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 4 Lesson 12 Spelling Spelling Plurals of Nouns To spell the plural of most nouns, simply add an s. The most common exceptions include: If a noun ends in s, ch, sh, x, or z, add es. Example: box, boxes If a noun ends in a consonant and y, change the y to i and add es. Example: hobby, hobbies

5 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 5 Lesson 12 Spelling Spelling Plurals of Nouns For some nouns that end in f or fe, change the f or fe to v and add es. Example: half, halves

6 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 6 Lesson 12 Spelling Prefixes and Suffixes Adding a prefix does not change the spelling of the base word. Examples: in + sincere = insincere il + legible = illegible over + rated = overrated re + arrange = rearrange pre + caution = precaution

7 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 7 Lesson 12 Spelling Prefixes and Suffixes In some cases, adding a suffix after a base word to change its part of speech and possibly also its meaning will affect the spelling of a word. Examples: Drop the final e before adding a suffix that begins with a vowel. pause + ing = pausing size + able = sizeable universe + al + universal

8 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 8 Lesson 12 Spelling Prefixes and Suffixes In some cases, adding a suffix after a base word to change its part of speech and possibly also its meaning will affect the spelling of a word. Keep the e in words that end in ce or ge if the suffix begins with an a or o. Examples: manage + able = manageable replace + able = replaceable outrage + ous = outrageous knowledge + able = knowledgeable

9 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 9 Lesson 12 Spelling Prefixes and Suffixes In some cases, adding a suffix after a base word to change its part of speech and possibly also its meaning will affect the spelling of a word. Keep the final e when adding a suffix that begins with a consonant. Examples: peace + ful = peaceful amuse + ment = amusement Exceptions: argue + ment = argument judge + ment = judgment

10 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 10 Lesson 12 Spelling Prefixes and Suffixes Words that end in y If it ends in a vowel and y, keep the y. If it ends in a consonant and a y, change the y to i. Examples: play + able = playable enjoy + ment = enjoyment mercy + ful = merciful envy + able = enviable

11 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 11 Lesson 12 Spelling Prefixes and Suffixes Words that end in y Note: One-syllable words that end in y pronounced long i do not change their spellings when –ness or –ing are added, but do change their spelling when –ed is added. Examples: shy + ness = shyness dry + ed = dried spy + ed = spied

12 Common Writing Problems: Spelling Grade 8 Writing Companion © Perfection Learning ® Reproduction permitted for classroom use only. 12 Lesson 12 Spelling Prefixes and Suffixes Sometimes the final consonant is doubled before a suffix is added. Be aware of these words. Examples: plot + ing = plotting transfer + ed = transferred recur + ence = recurrence mad + est = maddest

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