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THE FOUR CALIPHS. QUICK REVIEW Muhammad- born 570 in Mecca Became a trader known for his trustworthiness Called to prophethood by the angel Gabriel Muhammad’s.

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2 QUICK REVIEW Muhammad- born 570 in Mecca Became a trader known for his trustworthiness Called to prophethood by the angel Gabriel Muhammad’s wife the first convert to Islam Gabriel revealed messages for the next 22 years Around 613, Muhammad began to preach to fellow Meccans and the rich should share wealth Muhammad was protected by Abu Talib Head of the Hashim clan 619- The Night Journey- a horse guided him through seven layers of heaven and Muhammad met God In Jerusalem

3 AFTER MUHAMMAD’S DEATH: Most of central and southern Arabia was under the control of Muslims Now the difficult challenge: Picking a new leader to preserve the community

4 AFTER MUHAMMAD’S DEATH: Abu Bakr- Muhammad’s father-in-law Caliph- Muslim ruler First of the “rightly guided” caliphs. The caliphs who followed the Quran and the example of Muhammad Caliphate- Muslim government



7 ABU BAKR Used military force to “reunite” tribes that had tried to break away Completed the unification of Arabia under Islamic control Died in 634

8 CALIPH UMAR Continued to expand Muslim empire by conquest By 643- the Muslim empire included Iraq, Persia (now Iran), eastern Mediterranean, and North Africa Established governments and setup tax systems

9 CALIPH UMAR Tax System: Tax on Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims Did allow Jews and Christians to practice their believes in their own homes and places of worship Unlawful for Muslims to damage their holy places

10 UTHMAN Member of the Umayyad clan United Muslims Oversaw the creation of the official edition of the Quran Rebels killed him in 656 Gave high posts to family

11 ALI IBN ABI TALIB Muhammad’s cousin Some important Muslims challenged the rule and led to a civil war Two major battles Lost supporters and was killed in 661

12 THE UMAYYAD DYNASTY Mu’awiyah, leader of the Umayyads, declared himself caliph This would not be the last time something like this happened Sunnis accepted him as the leader (the majority) Shi’ah did not accept him (the minority) Shi’ah= the Party of Ali Only people directly descended from Muhammad through Fatima could be caliph

13 THIS IS KIND OF A BIG DEAL m-sunni-shia-differences-orig-mg.cnn

14 THE UMAYYAD DYNASTY Mu’awiyah put down a revolt of Ali’s supporters. 661- Formed the Umayyad Dynasty and moved the capital to…..



17 THE UMAYYAD DYNASTY The Muslim empire Introduced Arabic language Helped united diverse people of the empire Non-Muslims adopted the faith for a couple of reasons: Personal belief Social pressure join the people of the ruling group AND you wouldn’t have to pay certain taxes!!

18 THE UMAYYAD DYNASTY Muslim armies began to take control of Asian and Indian lands, Spain, and even tried to take a little French land Battle of Tours- 732- Muslims lost to Frankish king Charles Martel Would be the furthest they conquest in Europe Islamic State would last in Spain for almost 800 years Capital of Cordoba- became learning center Where Muslim culture made important advances in art, science, technology, and literature



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