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Vocabulary fiddlingsuccessful thincontrol recentlyconfident.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary fiddlingsuccessful thincontrol recentlyconfident."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary fiddlingsuccessful thincontrol recentlyconfident

2 fiddling When Joshua was supposed to be doing research for his presentation, he was actually fiddling around on the Internet. Playing around with something

3 thin There was only a thin layer of snow covering the ground so we couldn’t build a snowman. Narrow; skinny

4 recently My mom said I didn’t need a new pair of shoes because she had recently bought me a pair. lately

5 successful My studying for the test was successful because I got a perfect score. fortunate

6 control The captain of the boat gets to control where it goes. Steer/drive

7 confident Harry was so confident in his magical skills that he didn’t study for the potions test. Sure; believe in one self

8 Vocabulary Vault thin recently successful fiddling confident control

9 Story Test Review Vocabulary Read pages 729-731 Finish Story Map Review the test Take Story Test Vocabulary Test – meaningful sentence (3) Challenge questions

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