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Do Now 9-21 I can make connections to text. What does this picture remind you of? How did that experience make you feel?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 9-21 I can make connections to text. What does this picture remind you of? How did that experience make you feel?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 9-21 I can make connections to text. What does this picture remind you of? How did that experience make you feel?

2 NOTES Write these notes in your binder! Text-to-Text connections= –Something you read reminds you of something else you read (book, poem, newspaper, letter), watched (t.v., internet), or maybe heard (radio broadcast, commercial, news).

3 NOTES Write these notes in your binder! Text-to-World –Something you read reminds you of something going on in the world.

4 Text-to-Self Connections –Something in the text reminds you of a personal experience or the experience of someone you know. NOTES Write these notes in your binder!

5 Read Who Is the Dark-Haired One? to model CONNECTING. Bring the students to the front of the room. Out loud, begin reading on page 22, starting with the paragraph beginning with “Papa opened the front door to the soldiers.” –When you see arrows with orange highlights, stop and tell the kids about the connections I made. I have included an example of each type of connection. Write the connections I made on a post-it note and attach it to the CHART PAPER graphic organizer. For the so what part, have them figure out how the connection helps the reader better understand EITHER a character’s actions, character’s feelings, the main conflict, OR the setting. JUST PICK ONE Stop reading when you get to page 24. NEXT SLIDE

6 Connecting The text says…This reminds me of… So What? This helped me understand… T-T “Then you would be so kind as to tell me where the Rosens are.” The Diary of Anne Frank when the Nazi soldiers find the family in hiding. They were taken to concentration camps and many were killed. How much people’s lives changed during this time. Fear overcame all people. T-W “She crumpled it into her hand and closed her fingers tightly.” When many Jewish people went into hiding and had to hide anything that symbolized their religion. People in general hide who they are. People need to look out for their safety first and that we sometimes hide who we are in order to protect ourselves. T-S “And you have this blonde haired daughter…” My sister often gets asked about her blonde hair because my parents, sister, and I all have dark hair. People get their feelings hurt when they are signaled out for differences.

7 Independent Reading As you read your independent book today, fill out this graphic organizer. Remember to be thoughtful about your connections.

8 Closing Last Five Minutes Ask the kids to share their connections with the class.

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