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 CERN Video Group 2009 Group Participants: Cheryl Brooks-US, Hilkka Koljonen-Toppila-FI, Gosia Karulak-PL, Ryan Casavant-US, Penny Mullan-ZA, Vicente.

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Presentation on theme: " CERN Video Group 2009 Group Participants: Cheryl Brooks-US, Hilkka Koljonen-Toppila-FI, Gosia Karulak-PL, Ryan Casavant-US, Penny Mullan-ZA, Vicente."— Presentation transcript:

1  CERN Video Group 2009 Group Participants: Cheryl Brooks-US, Hilkka Koljonen-Toppila-FI, Gosia Karulak-PL, Ryan Casavant-US, Penny Mullan-ZA, Vicente Valero Cumplido-SP, Vedran Zadanj-HR, Maikel Garcia-US,

2 What did we do?  Reviewed CERNLand Videos (7) and made suggestions for improvements.CERNLandVideosimprovements  Identified 197 CERN videos for review based on:  Relevancy for High School Science  Language  English, Spanish, Polish  Reviewed all 197 Identified CERN Videos.

3 What did we do? (continued)  Created a teacher friendly video review spreadsheet spreadsheet  Student & Teacher Ratings  Helpful Comments  Content Covered in each Video (Catalogued by Clip Start and Stop Time)  Appropriate Classroom Use  Total Time

4 How did we contribute to CERN’s Mission?  Education: Training the scientists of tomorrow.  Collaboration: Bringing Nations together through science.

5 What did we find?  37 “Excellent” Videos  43 “Good” Videos  Excellent Videos found on the following topics:  Particle Physics  Cosmology  Accelerator Science  Detectors  IT Applications  Medical Applications  Demonstrations  Interviews with Scientists

6 What did we find? (continued) Wide Variety of Applicable Classroom Videos & Video Clips Many Videos suitable for Topic Introduction i.e. B is for BeautyB is for Beauty Many Historical Videos i.e. Atomic Physics and Reality, LHC MilestonesAtomic Physics and RealityLHC Milestones Many Videos were targeted for CERN PR & Archives

7 What would we suggest for the future?  Translate the excellent videos into more languages.  Subtitle the videos if possible.  Provide easy access to Spreadsheet from:  Create supporting materials for the high quality videos  Video Questions  Labs /Activities / Projects

8 What would we suggest for the future? ( continued )  Create videos on fundamental Physics topics that are appropriate for middle and high school Physics students.  Momentum, Electromagnetism, Energy, Waves  Review CERNTV Videos  Add our high rated videos to CERNTV  Include a rating system within the CERN Video site

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