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1 Merger & Acquisitions Strategies Jim Perkins Director, Corum Group.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Merger & Acquisitions Strategies Jim Perkins Director, Corum Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Merger & Acquisitions Strategies Jim Perkins Director, Corum Group

2 2  M&A specialists since 1985 – only software/related tech  Only works on sell-side with privately held firms  Offices globally – 60% of transactions cross border  Developed the “Optimal Outcome” M&A process  Employs a team approach (5) to offloads clients  Senior negotiators are former CEOs – selling/results oriented  Largest educator in the world – helps build buyer relations  Largest proprietary buyer database – provides client advantage M&A specialists since 1985. We only work with: Privately-held firms on the sell-side. Software and related tech companies.

3 3  M&A specialists since 1985 – only software/related tech  Only works on sell-side with privately held firms  Offices globally – 60% of transactions cross border  Developed the “Optimal Outcome” M&A process  Employs a team approach (5) to offloads clients  Senior negotiators are former CEOs – selling/results oriented  Largest educator in the world – helps build buyer relations  Largest proprietary buyer database – provides client advantage Offices globally – 60% of transactions cross border

4 4 Optimal Outcome process Team approach Largest tech M&A educator Largest database Sold more software-related firms than anyone

5 5 1 1 What International Buyers Want Today FINANCIAL  Revenue  Earnings  Growth Rate  Cash Flow  Balance Sheet  Leadership  Talent/Skills  Product/Technology  Sales Channels  Customer Base ORGANIZATIONAL  Market Growth  Market Position  Level of Competition  Barriers to Entry/ Exit  Market Beach-head MARKET

6 6 Recent Corum Transactions


8 8 Overview - Market Perspective M&A Valuations Optimal Outcome Avoiding the Deal Disasters Improve Your Odds Closing Thoughts


10 10 disruptive We are in an age of technology


12 12 Excess Cash Driving M&A Cash ReservesIncreaseHeld Offshore 20072012AmountPercentAmountPercent $9$121*$112*1244%*$83*68%* $6$67*$61*1017%*$58*87%* $6$32*$26*433%*$25*80%* $6$45$39650%$2044% $3$46$421050%$4189% $9 $15$667%$747% $4$9$5125%$556% All estimates in US $Billions *As of Dec. 2012

13 13 Top Strategic Acquirers: 2012

14 14 How much uncommitted funds do the strategic buyers have available? $350B Source: Corum Group Research

15 15 Top Private Equity Acquirers: 2012

16 16 How much uncommitted funds does Private Equity have available? $1 Trillion Source: Prequin

17 17 1.Extraordinary change – interrelated mega trends 2.Strategic buyers have record cash 3.Debt is at lowest cost ever 4.Private equity - over $1 trillion available 5.New Asian buyers 10 Reasons Tech M&A Will Remain Strong

18 18 6.Entrance of new non-tech buyers (e.g. Bosch) 7.The JOBS Act - Crowdfunding 8.American companies are relatively cheap 9.Most US buyers cash is international (e.g. Skype) 10.Software rising in importance (e.g. HP, IBM, Dell) 10 Reasons Tech M&A Will Remain Strong

19 19 Asia’s Growing Leadership  Game technology innovators  Mobile industry leaders  Expanding IT services companies  State-of-the-art manufacturing  Ecommerce ecosystems  Growing online media presence


21 21 What is an Optimal Outcome?

22 22 Valuation Maximization

23 23 Creating the best transaction structure

24 24 Minimizing personal liability/risk

25 25 Reducing tax liability and holdbacks

26 26 Structuring ideal employment/non-competes

27 27 Providing for proper integration

28 28 1 1 8 Stages for an Optimal Outcome

29 29 1 1  Set tasks, timeline  Allocate staff resources  Conduct internal due diligence  Compile business/marketing plan  Ready financials/projections  Ready presentation materials  Begin collecting due diligence materials Stage 1: Preparation

30 30 1 1 Stage 2: Research  Prepare buyers list (A&B level, financial, non tech)  Perform strategic analysis on each buyer  Prepare preliminary valuation  Determine proper contact (Execs, EA’s, advisors)  Outside advisor/board/investor influencers  Prepare position statement for each buyer

31 31 1 1 Stage 3: Contact  Create introductory correspondence  Draft/customize executive summary  Execute NDAs and non-solicitations  Screen initial interest, valuation expectations  Establish log on all communications  Refine position/process based on feedback

32 32 1 1 Stage 4: Discovery  Coordinate conference calls, site visits, and meetings  Establish technology review process  Prepare formal valuation report  Develop synergy and contribution analysis  Set up NDA with customers, contractors, etc.  Finish due diligence on buyer

33 33 1 1 Stage 5: Negotiation  Organize and host final visits  Provide structure & valuation guidance  Create an auction environment  Negotiate with top bidder(s)  Sign Letter of Intent (L.O.I.)  Inform other bidders of No Shop

34 34 1 1 Stage 6: Due Diligence  Verification of financial statements/ projections  Determine if outside advisors/opinions needed  Establish confidential data room  Technical/Legal/Ownership due diligence  Written explanation of business model/methodologies  Complete definitive agreement/ attachments

35 35 1 1 Stage 7: Closing  Final reps & warranties  Determine escrow hold-backs  Final opinion(s)  Sign contracts  Arrange payment/distribution  Regulatory filings  Disclosure Schedules

36 36 1 1 Stage 8: Integration  Advanced planning – during negotiation  Determine synergies  Best practices analysis  Interim transition team  Employee retention plan  Set up monitoring/reporting

37 37 In a global search, what percentage of the time will other buyers be willing to pay more than the first party that approached you? 75% Source: Corum Group Research

38 38 Resell/License Do you want to buy my company? J.V./Alliance M&A Uniquely Allows Entry to Top Execs CEO MKTFINMANF DIV The only time you can go straight to the top

39 39 5 Major Benefits of a Professional Process Model The preparation process will help forge a better business model for your firm 1 Research Your strategic position will improve from the research/ positioning process 2 Market Feedback Invaluable data/insights straight from the top will help improve your value 3 Relation- ships 70% of parties that go under NDA may not be able to buy—but could partner, adding value 4 Exit The merger, asset sale, or financial recap of your company 5 39


41 41 Workload, Value Destroyers, Deal Killers Top 60 Documents and Projects Top 5 Value Destroyers Top 10 Deal Killers This M&A process workload and pitfall analysis is based on data supplied by the World Technology Council (WTC), Corum’s 400-member advisory board of past sellers, industry experts, buyers and investors.

42 42 1.Confidentiality—internal/external 2.Theft of technology 3.Loss of staff (non-solicitation) 4.Wear on CEO/management 5.Business drop-off—lack of focus 6.Going to market too late Top 6 Value Destroyers

43 43 Top 10 Deal Killers 1.Dealing with only one buyer 2.Misalignment: shareholders/empl/mgmt 3.Contact at the wrong level 4.Improper research of potential buyers 5.Misunderstanding buyer process/models

44 44 Top 10 Deal Killers 6.Inability to portray value properly 7.Improper due diligence preparation 8.Not qualifying buyers properly 9.Not orchestrating all buyers properly 10.Ego – Greed – Arrogance


46 46 What percentage of self-managed M&A transactions fail? 80% Source: Corum Group Research You need a professional process to improve your odds

47 47 This seller is serious. Leverage using a Professional Intermediary I may not be the only bidder. PotentialAcquirer Seller Intermediary Wonderful if I buy you, terrible if I don’t.

48 48 What is the average improvement from first offer to LOI (Letter of Intent) with a professional M&A process (i.e., creating an auction environment)? 48% Source: Corum Group Research

49 49 After the Deal – Celebration

50 50 Contact Information Visit our website at: Corum Group Ltd. 19805 North Creek Parkway Suite 300 Bothell, WA 98011 USA +1 425-455-8281 Corum Group International S.à.r.l. Buechenstr. 9 8185 Winkel Switzerland +41 43 888 7590

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