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CHAPTER 5 Drugs, Addiction, and Reward Addiction.

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1 CHAPTER 5 Drugs, Addiction, and Reward Addiction

2 Addiction Societal definition: –not a scientific definition –Obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical dependence or psychological dependence E.g., drug addiction, alcoholism, compulsive overeating, problem gambling, computer addiction, pornography, etc. Focus is on deleterious behavior

3 Addiction Scientific definition of Addiction: A state in which the following occurs: – Physical dependence: the body relies on a substance for normal functioning and develops – Withdrawal: When the drug or substance on which someone is dependent is suddenly removed, physical symptoms occur. – Drug tolerance. More and more of the drug is required to achieve the same effect Common usage includes psychological dependence, but brain doesn’t recognize this distinction

4 Addiction Addiction and withdrawal take place in different parts of the brain and are independent of each other. The ventral tegmental area (VTA) and nucleus accumbens (Nac) is suggested to be involved in addiction Periventricular gray area (PGA) produces classic signs of withdrawal.

5 Addiction Not mean that addicts never take drugs to avoid withdrawal symptoms –E.g., one type of alcoholism is avoidance of painful experiences via alcohol –But not avoidance of alcohol itself Means that withdrawal is not necessary for addiction and avoidance of withdrawal is not an explanation of addiction.

6 Addiction pathways

7 Addiction involves Dopaminergic pathway Mesolimbicortical Dopamine System –Major reward system of the brain –Many drugs (especially stimulants) mimic effects of normal reward reactions –Pathway begins in the midbrain (mesencephalon) and projects to the limbic system and prefrontal cortex. The most important structures in the system: – Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) – Medial forebrain bundle (MFB) – Ventral tegmental area (VTA)


9 Dopaminergic Reward pathways Reward: –Defined by your book: positive effect an object or condition – such as a drug, food, sexual contact, and warmth – has on the user Behaviorists: Any consequence which, when delivered contingently, results in an increase in the continent response Dopamine serves as a feedback signal: do that behavior again, you got something! –Seeking behavior –Behavioral momentum: Do whatever got you the reward

10 Dopaminergic Reward pathways General Reward System: includes brain responses to: –Feeding: Any behaviors related to feeding –Drinking: any behaviors related to drinking –Sexual behavior: Any behaviors related to sex (including maternal) –Drug effects and drug related behavior that mimic these functions Includes Conditioned Rewards –Rewards that are learned, not innate –Money, family and relationships, value of a job –Experience is required to learn these are reinforcers

11 Reward and the Dopaminergic pathway Schultz (2005) and others show: –Dopamine is not released as a reward –Dopamine is a motivating neurotransmitter- produces increases in locomotion, action behavior that is oriented towards reward Study with Monkeys: –CS (tone) – US (food): DA initially released upon presentation of the food DA release moves to predictive CS of tone –Add a lever pressing requirement: S+ (tone): lever press  food Now DA is released JUST BEFORE movement of arm towards lever DA is released as motor response is PLANNED in the prefrontal area

12 Reward and the Dopaminergic pathway Thus: when dopamine released, body moves towards or continues doing whatever it was doing to keep getting that “Reward” – Jacob Panskepp : Dopamine serves to invoke “seeking behavior” –We seek reinforcing stimuli (innate or conditioned) –When we seek, DA is released, which keeps us seeking –If the reward stops coming, behavior decays, DA drops, seeking stops Addictive substances reset our thermostat for seeking behavior –Increases it to artificially high levels –DA release from drug is many, many times greater than that released for natural reward. –Normal reinforcers aren’t worth seeking, in comparison to Cocaine, etc.

13 Reward and the Dopaminergic pathway General DA reward system serves as feedback system that identifies –Need to continue or shift behavior depending on reward situation –IF get a reward…keep doing that behavior –IF NOT get a reward: change behaviors –Helps select the appropriate response for the situation Learn that going to class increases likelihood of a good grade –Good grades associated with positive affect and attention from others –Learn to seek good grades –Dopamine is released during behaviors that are likely to increase the probability of a good grade –IF you stop getting good grades for going to class….class attendance drops

14 Changing behavior with DA agonists Release of Dopamine = seeking behavior –Can demonstrate this by artificially releasing dopamine in presence of various stimuli –What happens to animal when we electrically stimulate neurons to produce DA release? Electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB), –Stimulate the Nucleus accumbens –Result: Animals press a lever or engage in high rates of locomotion immediately after receiving stimulation –What they do depends upon setting: If there is a lever, they press it If there is an open field, they run Why? DA release elicits “search” or seeking behavior

15 Changing behavior with DA agonists A reinforcer is any object or event that increases the probability of the response that precedes it –Thus, must keep doing the behavior that got you the reinforcer –DA maintains ongoing responses or kicks you into movement behaviors that increase likelihood of reward. Virtually all the abused drugs increase dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens Mimic the effect of natural reinforcers But at much higher DA levels in the synapse Again, may reset the “thermostat” for reinforcement to artificially high levels. Question for treatment: CAN we reset brain DA levels to normal levels?

16 Changing behavior with DA agonists Think of symptoms of stimulant abuse/addiction: –Lots of motor movement –Lots of “seeking” behavior: Gotta get that drug! Lots of perseverative motor behavior: –Nose wiping, Tics, Perseveration –Also overstimulating DA Basal Ganglia motor system Paranoia is highly similar to schizophrenia Why? Too much dopamine is overstimulating circuits, cognitive areas of brain are hyperstimulated.

17 Changing behavior with DA agonists Addictive behavior: –What got you these rewarding feelings- the drug –What do to keep these feelings- get more drug –What does the drug make you feel like?....getting more drug And, because you have replaced normal DA levels, now you will engage in seeking behaviors to maintain those levels! –Again, normal rewards are just not as reinforcing as drug –Drug releases so much more DA than normal rewards –Habituate/reset brain thermostat for higher DA amounts

18 Reward deficiency syndrome Chronic drug users show diminished DA release from DA receptors May be the individual, and not the addiction –Lower levels of D2 autoreceptors –Those with high number of D2 autoreceptors find DA drugs unpleasurable –D2 autoreceptors help regulate general DA tone in synapse, regulate reuptake and production of DA Reward deficiency syndrome : –may be that DA-drug addicts have insufficient receptors to respond to DA, –need more DA to get same effect –Related to thrill seeking behavior: Thrills = DA surge

19 Addiction = learning Addiction = learning process –Learning what predicts increase in DA –For most of us: Natural or conditioned rewards for appropriate behavior –For addicts: learn to seek drugs that stimulate the DA system. Learning produces changes in the brain –Forms new memory circuits for related stimuli –Allows two events or stimuli to be linked predictively –Addiction produces same changes in neurons as normal learning These processes include the Step down reflex and compensation

20 Compensatory response Drug = release of DA: US(drug)  UR(drug effects) Stimulus (CS) predicts drug that releases DA: CS(cue  US(drug)  UR(drug effects) E.g.: Morphine  decrease in pain, HR, respiration, feelings of euphoria Needle, friends, location--  morphine-  (all of above) increase in pain, HR, respiration

21 Step down reflex Stimulus predictors: Anticipation reward  DA release BUT Body prefers homeostasis: no sudden changes, maintain level – CS(cue  US(drug)  UR(drug effects) CR(decrease DA release in anticipation of drug DA release) Thus: body REDUCES dopamine in ANTICIPATION of increase in DA

22 Compensation: tolerance and withdrawal Body REDUCES dopamine in ANTICIPATION of increase in DA mimic of drug –No longer get same effect for drug (or activity) –Must take more/engage in more –This is called tolerance If stop taking the drug, no step-down reflex or compensation –Now, reduction in DA in anticipation, but no DA comes –Now have too little DA: shaky, motor tremors, etc. –This is called withdrawal: – Setting cues are critically important

23 PET scans are shown at two depths in the brain. Notice the increased activity during presentation of cocaine-related stimuli. Frontal areas (DL, MO) and temporal areas (TL, PH) are involved in learning and emotion.

24 Evidence for Addiction? Prefrontal release produces a compulsive focus on drugs at the expense of other reinforcers –Allows formation of “memory circuits” for compulsive behavior Glutamate release cranks up the drive to engage in drug seeking. –Further stimulates the DA circuitry and memory paths

25 Evidence for Addiction? Becomes an endless loop! –Seeking behavior is reinforced –Connections between thinking part of brain and seeking part of brain made stronger –Seeking  drug  seeking -  drug-  seeking……… Predictive stimuli allow this circuit to engage –Engaging in the seeking behavior strengthens the relationship between the predictive stimuli and seeking –Every time the addict uses it reinforces the addiction!

26 Evidence for Addiction? Nora Volkow, et al.’s work: How do people transition from controlled drug use to compulsive drug intake? Found that addiction involves pathological changes in communication between prefrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens –Learning system is “hijacked” –Learning about drugs rather than normal environmental events –Mesolimbocortical pathway becomes sensitized to drug rather than environmental events.

27 Evidence for Addiction? Addict in recovery: –Attempt to extinguish learned response to drugs –Reset brain to react to normal rewards Addict returns to drug taking when –Stress or drug-related stimuli trigger increases in dopamine release in the prefrontal cortex and glutamate release in the nucleus accumbens. –Stimulates those memory circuits for that seeking behavior –IF memory for addictive behavior is stronger than newly learned sober behaviors, addictive behaviors result

28 Treating Addiction Agonist treatments replace an addicting drug with another drug that has a similar effect. –Opiate addiction is often treated with a synthetic opiate called methadone. –Is simply substituting one drug for a another, albeit safer, drug This tends to be ineffective: –Not resetting the brain –Often have to continue to increase doses of methadone because of tolerance effects –If addict highly likely to return to the “better” drug

29 Treating Addiction Antagonist treatments involve drugs that block the effects of the addicting drugs. –Drugs that block opiate receptors are used to treat opiate addictions and alcoholism because they reduce the pleasurable effects of the drug. –Nalaxone for opiate addiction –Antabuse for alcohol –Moderately successful IF patient is compliant –Causes major side effects…most patients non compliant Another experimental strategy is to interfere with the dopamine reward system. –Baclofen reduces dopamine activity in the ventral tegmental area by activating GABA B receptors on dopaminergic neurons.

30 The two rats received the same amount of alcohol, but the one on the right received a drug that blocks the effect of alcohol at the GABAA receptor

31 TREATMENT OF Addiction Aversive treatments cause a negative reaction when the person takes the drug. –Antabuse interferes with alcohol metabolism, so drinking alcohol makes the person ill. –Punish person for taking drug BUT: aversive system is the Periaqueductal gray area (PGA) –NOT part of addiction system –Now have avoidance AND addiction Antidrug vaccines –synthetic molecules that resemble the drug –modified to stimulate the animal’s immune system –make antibodies that will degrade the drug: drug no longer effective

32 TREATMENT OF Addiction Behavioral Treatments : most effective –Teach the client the process of addiction and understanding of their disease –Unlearn the addiction –Teach compensatory behaviors for dealing with stress –Teach compensatory behaviors that interfere with drug-seeking behavior Reform the circuits: –Re-establish natural reinforcers as reinforcing –Unpair drug predictors with seeking system –Build new social and coping skills –The longer one has been an addict = longer to relearn

33 The Role of Genes in Addiction If genetics plays such an important role in addiction, just what is inherited? –Most research on the genetics of addiction implicates various neurotransmitter systems. –Appears to be a syndrome or related group of dysfunction –E.g., reward deficiency syndrome Addicts correlated with individuals who have family members with –Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression –ADHD and related disorders –Autism and autism-spectrum disorders. –Seems to be general difference in DA and 5HT systems

34 Dopamine is one of the factors differentiating addictive from normal behavior. –Several alleles, or alternate forms, or the gene responsible for the development of the D 2 subtype of dopamine receptor. –These various alleles are associated with alcoholism, cocaine dependence, stimulant abuse, and multiple addictions. May be a propensity or predisposition to addiction –Not causal but increased likelihood –Best predictor of drug abuse in families: Lack of good coping skills and a positive and supportive social network The Role of Genes in Addiction

35 Wait: Not so simple! Serotonin is also involved in drug abuse in general –Also involved in mood regulation and anxiety regulation –Critical for sexual behavior –Linked with aggression –Also highly involved in the regulation of bodily rhythms and food and water intake. Also need to consider role of GABA and Glutamate! The Role of Genes in Addiction

36 Bottom line: An individual may have a predisposition towards addiction –Familial predisposition –Individual life experiences Stress bring out or turns on different coping mechanism –Individuals with strong coping mechanisms avoid addiction –Those without more likely to become addicts Best way to avoid: reduce stress; avoid situations with drug availability and develop good coping skills! The Role of Genes in Addiction

37 And now for something absolutely silly! pressant_drug_for pressant_drug_for A Societal comment on drug usage from the onion!

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