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+ Thermochemistry Definitions. + Specific Heat (C p ) – The amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1g of any substance by 1°C. For water.

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1 + Thermochemistry Definitions

2 + Specific Heat (C p ) – The amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of 1g of any substance by 1°C. For water the value is 1cal/g°C or 4.18J/g°C Heat of Fusion (H f ) – The amount of heat needed to pass 1g of a substance through its melting point. Melting Point (MP)- The temperature at which a substance can exist as both a solid and a liquid. Freezing Point (FP) – The temperature at which a substance can exist as both a liquid and a solid. Heat of Vaporization (H v ) – The amount of heat needed to pass 1g of a substance through its boiling point Boiling Point (BP) – The temperature at which a substance can exist as both a liquid and a gas.

3 + C ps C pl C pg HfHf HvHv MPBP 2.06 J/g°C4.18 J/g°C2.02 J/g°C334 J/g2260 J/g0°C100°C Values for Water- Must Memorize

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