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Differentiation in Mathematics John Lake School January 6, 2011 Jennifer Brokofsky.

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiation in Mathematics John Lake School January 6, 2011 Jennifer Brokofsky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiation in Mathematics John Lake School January 6, 2011 Jennifer Brokofsky

2 A Process for Differentiation Gathering Evidence and Information Analysis of Evidence and Information Plan Developmenta l Opportunities Execute the Plan Question: How do I maximize growth and individual success of my students within the curriculum using the resources I have?

3 Student Learning Information… Your Curriculum Your Resources Your Students - readiness, interests, learning styles

4 Differentiation may consider students’: Readiness Interest Learning Style Affect Tomlinson, 2003

5 Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (2009). Mathematics 3. Regina, SK: Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. Aim of the K-12 Mathematics Curriculum The aim of Saskatchewan’s K-12 mathematics program is to help students develop the understandings and abilities necessary to be confident and competent...

6 Balance is important!! photo © 2006 Sharon Mollerus | more info(via: Wylio)Sharon Mollerusmore infoWylio

7 Mathematics Curriculum

8 The How… Mathematical Processes Communication [C] Connections [CN] Mental Mathematics and Estimation [ME] Problem Solving [PS] Reasoning [R] Visualization [V] Technology [T]

9 The How… Concrete to Abstract Continuum PictorialManipulative 1 Abstract Concrete Semi Concrete Semi Abstract Abstract

10 The How… Multiple Strategies Decision making Verifying and proving Modeling and representing Making connections The more flexible students are in using a variety of strategies, the deeper students’ understanding becomes.

11 Demonstrating teamwork Working though problems together Reflecting and thinking Sharing of ideas and problems The How… Collaboration

12 The What… Outcomes

13 A Process for Differentiation Gathering Evidence and Information Analysis of Evidence and Information Plan Developmenta l Opportunities Execute the Plan Question: How do I maximize growth and individual success of my students within the curriculum using the resources I have?

14 Learning Resources

15 The Student Resource A situation to set a real-life problem context for the lesson Lesson goal Given the lesson goal, what problem could this lesson begin with?

16 The Teacher Resource


18 Differentiating can alter: Content Process Product Learning Environment Tomlinson, 2003

19 A Process for Differentiation Gathering Evidence Analysis of Evidence Plan Developmenta l Opportunities Execute the Plan Question: How do I maximize growth and individual success of my students within the curriculum using the resources I have?

20 Sources of Data for Assessment Conversations Products Observations

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