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SSLE WEEK 7 Lesson Aim:To explain and analyse organisational responses Olutoyin Hussain.

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1 SSLE WEEK 7 Lesson Aim:To explain and analyse organisational responses Olutoyin Hussain

2 Week 7 LO 3.1 Analyse possible organisational responses to the need to support individuals experiencing a significant life events

3 Organisational response What are the principles of organisational response to a significant life event such as bereavement?

4 Organisational response: Client Offer support RespectEmpathy Informed choice

5 Organisational response: Communication Confidentiality Ensure all employment related policies are implemented impartially and objectively Equal opportunity to realise potential

6 Data protection Risk and need assessment Health and safety measures Protection of the vulnerable individual (Heathfield,2010)

7 Organisational response: The manager and Human Resources staff are key when bereavement or grief strikes an employee. They hopefully have a relationship with an employee such that they would be called, informed or knowledgeable about what is taking place in the employee’s life.

8 Ensure each individual is aware of support available to them by proactively disseminating information about their services to the employees including the bereaved. Local agencies and Health and Social Care services ensure counselling services are available for the employee's bereavement care.

9 Staff and volunteers suitable trained to support the to the affected individual Staff and volunteers suitably trained to provide support to the affected individual

10 Organisational response: Most occasions of bereavement and grief require time off from work – and sympathy and comfort from managers and co-workers.

11 Critical incident “A Critical Incident is an event that has the potential to create significant human distress and can overwhelm one’s usual coping mechanisms.” Marion Gibson

12 Critical incident response team This will involve: HR+Manager+director Deal with the facts Begin to process their feelings Explain to the individual what normal reactions they can expect to experience After the initial visit by the team; provides follow up They can meet with a group or individuals

13 Critical incident response team Further counselling can be recommended Provide consultation in the weeks following an event to insure continued progress for the individual(s)

14 Critical incident response team Additional support Critiquing session Follow up Debriefing session Diffusing sessions

15 Critical incident response team - Defusing Session This is held within 6 to 8 hours of the incident. It is a confidential, non-judgmental group meeting of workers affected by the incident. It is critical to have experienced people specially trained to conduct a defusing session; this can include trained peers/counsellors. The diffuser explains the physical, emotional and mental reactions that individual may be experiencing and how to take care of their emotional and physical health.

16 Critical incident response team - Debriefing Session A debriefing is a one-time, semi-structured conversation with an individual who has just experienced a stressful or traumatic event. In most cases, the purpose of debriefing is to reduce any possibility of psychological harm by informing people about their experience or allowing them to talk about it. Debriefing should take place as soon as possible following an event, and preferably within the first 24-72 hours of the initial impact of the event.

17 Critical incident response team - Follow-Up Session This is a very important final step and is generally done within the week following the debriefing by team members as a check-in to ensure that the affected individuals are coping fine.

18 Critical incident response team - Critiquing session This is held a few weeks after the incident. Employers, supervisors, and workers review all aspects of the incident to find out deficiencies in the managing of the incident, and offer curative solutions. The session looks at how the incident was handled, how it could have been handled better, how it could have been prevented, and the effectiveness of the intervention. Related company policies, safety regulations, safe work procedures are also reviewed..

19 Activity: In pairs: Analyse organisational responses to a critical event of your own choice.

20 References Heathfield, S(2010)/How to Sympathetically Respond to Employee Bereavement and Grief.Comfort Your Coworkers in Their Times of Sorrow.

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