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Steven Adler Enterprise Technology Strategist Microsoft EMEA.

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Presentation on theme: "Steven Adler Enterprise Technology Strategist Microsoft EMEA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steven Adler Enterprise Technology Strategist Microsoft EMEA

2 Infrastructure Optimization Initiative Microsoft’s Virtualisation Strategy Benefits of Virtualisation Supporting Investments Virtualisation Management

3 ReducesTCO IncreasesAvailability Enables Dynamic IT Cost Center More Efficient Cost Center Business Enabler Strategic Asset Uncoordinated, manual infrastructure Managed IT Infrastructure with limited automation automation Managed and consolidated IT Infrastructure Infrastructure with maximum automation Fully automated management, dynamic resource Usage, business linked SLA’s Accelerated server provisioning/ consolidation Power/Space reduction App incompatibilities eliminated ROI in often less than 6 months Accelerated server provisioning/ consolidation Power/Space reduction App incompatibilities eliminated ROI in often less than 6 months Simplified backup & recovery Business continuity built into model Dynamic provisioning Simplified backup & recovery Business continuity built into model Dynamic provisioning Transformation of physical IT infrastructure (datacenter & desktop) into logical layers Management becomes policy- based, enabling self-managing dynamic systems Transformation of physical IT infrastructure (datacenter & desktop) into logical layers Management becomes policy- based, enabling self-managing dynamic systems

4 Server Virtualization Application Virtualization Desktop Virtualization Presentation Virtualization Management A comprehensive set of virtualization products, from the data center to the desktop Assets – both virtual and physical – are managed from a single platform Centralized Desktop Hyper-V ® Server

5 Solution: Server Consolidation via server & application virtualization Challenges: Underutilization, Power & Space Solution: Elimination of incompatibilities and testing via desktop and app virtualization Challenges: Application incompatibilities and lengthy testing Solution: A single management platform that leverages existing investments Challenges: Multiple management tools and learning curves Server Virtualization Application Virtualization Desktop Virtualization Presentation Virtualization Application Virtualization

6 Solution: Virtualize operating systems and applications so they can be backed up, replicated and moved to available servers and desktops Challenges: Provisioning, updating and business continuity for servers and desktops, operating systems and applications

7 Solution: Dynamic Systems Initiative, where deployment of server and desktops are based on real-time needs using a single management platform Challenges: Inability to response quickly to changing needs at desktops and the datacenter

8 Dynamic Datacenter Hyper-V Virtual Machine Manager Hyper-V Virtual Machine Manager Server Consolidation Dev/TestDev/Test Business Continuity Accelerated Provisioning

9 IIS Increased scalability Multiple Virtual Directories Enhanced Isolation SQL Multiple databases per SQL Instance Multiple SQL Instances per host

10 LicensingInfrastructureManagementInteroperabilityApplications



13 What Is It ? Resource to estimate and compare Virtualization ROI across core scenarios How can the ROI Tool help me? Determine consolidation benefits and ROI Based on your current infrastructure, including workloads Provides comparison to other virtualization vendors All-inclusive software and hardware costs When do I use it? To make a cost comparison point in a broader context of ROI In a competitive situation when ROI comparison is required

14 Technet & MSDN operate fully on Hyper-V 50% of 56-8556-4097- 8C81.../MSCOM_Virtualizes_MSDN_TechNet_on_Hyp er-V.docx Case studies ywords=hyper


16 © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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