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PS: Introduction to Psycholinguistics Winter Term 2005/06 Instructor: Daniel Wiechmann Office hours: Mon 2-3 pm Phone:

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Presentation on theme: "PS: Introduction to Psycholinguistics Winter Term 2005/06 Instructor: Daniel Wiechmann Office hours: Mon 2-3 pm Phone:"— Presentation transcript:

1 PS: Introduction to Psycholinguistics Winter Term 2005/06 Instructor: Daniel Wiechmann Office hours: Mon 2-3 pm Email: Phone: 03641-944534 Web:

2 How to write a term paper  Empirical vs theoretical papers  For an empirical paper: Develop hypothesis Collect data Evaluate data Interpret results

3 Structure of an empirical paper 1.Introduction Theoretical overview (Framing) Research question: general hypothesis Hypothesis form: declarative sentence  conditional sentences 2.Method present the data explain the procedure 3.Results 4.Discussion 5.Conclusion

4 Methods: Online vs. Offline methods  Online studies: Aim at measuring the time-course of a process E.g. neuro-imaging studies, reading time and fixation studies  Offline studies Aim at the product E.g. sorting task, elicitation tasks, completion tasks, Judgment tasks  questionnaires

5 Methods: Questionnaires  are an inexpensive way to gather data from a potentially large number of respondents  often are the only feasible way to reach a number of reviewers large enough to allow statistically analysis of the results

6 Methods:  A well-designed questionnaire that is used effectively can gather information on both the overall performance of the test system as well as information on specific components of the system

7 Methods:  a questionnaire should be viewed as a multi-stage process beginning with definition of the aspects to be examined and ending with interpretation of the results

8 Example  Which factors (variables) influence the number of elements quantified by the expression ‘some’ in English?  Hypothesis: The number of elements referred to by the term ‘some’ is contingent on the size of the involved objects

9 Example (cont.) [ NP some balls [ PP in front of [ NP the cat] [ NP some balls [ PP in front of [ NP the table] [ NP some cars [ PP in front of [ NP the building]

10 Methods: Designing a questionnaire  Example: Investigating the semantics of ‘some’ Experimental_design

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