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Please hand in the following items in this order. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT STAPLING THEM TOGETHER 1.Final Draft- If yours is on Google Drive, that’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Please hand in the following items in this order. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT STAPLING THEM TOGETHER 1.Final Draft- If yours is on Google Drive, that’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 Please hand in the following items in this order. YOU DO NOT NEED TO WORRY ABOUT STAPLING THEM TOGETHER 1.Final Draft- If yours is on Google Drive, that’s fine. I told you that you did not need to print it out. 2.Editing Worksheet 3.Rough Draft 4.Brainstorming Worksheet ESSAY MATERIALS TO HAND IN

3 You will be divided into two teams. One player from each team will come up to the board and will be given a fly swatter. I will then read a statement or question. You will try and find the answer to my question that fastest and hit it with your flyswatter. The first time to hit the correct word will receive a point. The team with the most points at the end will receive one point of extra credit on their test. Your team can lose points by misbehaving or being disruptive. If you do not behave appropriately you will sit outside and review silently by yourself for the rest of the hour. FLY SWATTER GAME

4  A comparison between two things using like or as. – simile

5  Speaking of something that is not human as if it had human abilities and human reactions- personification

6  Words whose sound echoes their meaning- onomatopoeia

7  A comparison between to unlike things without using like or as –metaphor

8  The repetition of a similar sound in words that are close to each other- alliteration

9  Using extreme exaggeration when describing something- hyperbole

10  A type of poem that mourns the loss of something- elegy

11  Word pictures-imagery

12  Snap, crackle, and pop – onomatopoeia

13  Meaning of a word that is found in the dictionary- denotation

14 She’s taking forever to get ready for school- hyperbole

15 four funny flamingoes- alliteration

16 The raccoons were having a party at the dumpster- personification

17  Rhyme that occurs within the lines- internal rhyme

18  The associations that are connected to a certain word- connotation

19  light as a feather- simile

20  A type of poem that celebrates something-ode

21  Your mom’s car is a tank!- metaphor

22  Pattern of rhyme- rhyme scheme

23  A type of poem that tells a story- narrative

24  Rhyme that occurs at the end of a line- end rhyme

25  Sammy Snake slithered slowly Saturday.-alliteration

26  “I need to get through, now!” Beep, beep!- onomatopoeia

27  The brilliant color of the rose was like the summer sun on a hot day.- simile

28  A type of poem that has very strict rules and contains 14 lines- sonnet

29  Jessica was as cute as a button. She had small rosy cheeks and a tiny nose.-simile

30  My brother is a pig when he eats.- metaphor

31  The little duck played in the mud. Quack, quack!- onomatopoeia

32  A type of poem that has no regular rhyme or rhythm- free verse

33  The jaw breaker is a rock in my mouth.- metaphor

34  A type of poem that expresses feelings-lyric

35  Dandelions danced delightfully daily.-personification

36  Ted tried to trick the turtle.- alliteration

37  The baby cow was as big as a house- hyperbole

38  Her smile was as sweet as sunshine on a rainy day- simile

39  The raindrops danced along the window pane.- personification

40  The woman gave a huge donation to the church because she had a heart of gold.- metaphor

41 The daffodils nodded their yellow heads at the walkers.- personification

42 He is a monster when he plays sports- metaphor

43 The strawberries were yelling “Eat me first

44 I love the sweet smell of success.- alliteration

45  If you study for this test you will be as good as gold- simile

46  She sells sea shells by the sea shore.- alliteration

47  My baby sister is a doll- metaphor

48 One of the questions on your test will require you to determine what a poem means. I gave you a list of steps to follow when reading a poem and we have done this as a class and in your essays. What are some of the steps that I suggested that you do in order to understand what a poem means?

49 1.Look at the title. Ask yourself what this poem could be about based on this and make predictions. 2.Number the lines of the poem. This will help you if you discussing a poem with others and need to reference a specific line. It can sometimes also help you determine what form of poem you are reading. 3.Read the poem once without making any notes. The preferred method for reading poetry is reading it aloud. 4.Read the poem again. Highlight any unfamiliar words, figurative language, or words that are repeated. 5.Paraphrase each line in the poem. In other words, restate each line of the poem in your own words. 6.Summarize what the poem is about in your own words. 7.Determine the poem's tone or the poet’s attitude towards his or her subject. 8.Ask yourself why you think that poet chose to write this poem. Determine the purpose of the poem.



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