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1 Performance of the Department of Home Affairs: 2011- 2012 Quarter 3 Summary Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 28 February 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Performance of the Department of Home Affairs: 2011- 2012 Quarter 3 Summary Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 28 February 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Performance of the Department of Home Affairs: 2011- 2012 Quarter 3 Summary Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs 28 February 2012

2 2 Table of Contents 1. Twelve Government Priorities Outcomes 2. Department of Home Affairs Performance Agreement 3. Department of Home Affairs Outcomes 4. Reporting Format 5. Outcome 1, Strategic Objectives and Targets 6. Outcome 2, Strategic Objectives and Targets 7. Outcome 3, Strategic Objectives and Targets 8. Significant development to note

3 3 The Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) of government has twelve priority outcomes. The DHA contributes directly to three of the twelve outcomes: 1.Improved quality of basic education 2.A long and healthy life for all South Africans 3.All people in South Africa are and feel safe 4.Decent employment through inclusive economic growth 5.A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path 6.An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network 7.Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities with food security for all 8.Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life 9.A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system 10.Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced 11.Create a better South Africa and contribute to a better and safer Africa and World 12.An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship

4 4 Department of Home Affairs Performance Agreement with the President: Completion of all strategic information and identification projects within already defined budgets and time frames Effective and efficient refugee management strategies and systems Contributing to the level of skills and general economic development in South Africa targets by realising a positive skills migration trend of around 50,000 migrants annually. The focus should be on critical skills shortages, supportive of the medium term strategies and government’s outcomes.. The registration of every child birth within 30 days of delivery. The issuing of identity documents to every South African 16 years and above. Improving the turnaround times for all services, queuing times and unit costs per service. Determining and improving the maximum distance for a citizen to travel to access Home Affairs services.

5 5 The Strategic Plan is grounded on three Outcomes Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free

6 6 THE REPORTING FORMAT 1.Each Outcome is attained by the achievement of strategic objectives linked to specific targets. 2.The Strategic Objectives in the tables that follow are to be achieved within the period 2011 – 2014. 3.The targets are for the financial year 2011 – 2012. 4.Performance is reported for Quarter 3.

7 7 The targets outlined below are to support the achievement of the following Outcome. Outcome 1: Secured South African citizenship and identity

8 8 Strategic Objective: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 500524 births registered within 30 days of the birth event as a percentage of total births (46% of total births) 126 additional health facilities operational for online births registrations 36 Health facilities operational 15 health facilities connected and operational, namely: WC Melomed Bellville; EC Empilweni CHC; NC Garries Hospital, GP Clinton, Germiston, Carltonville, Louis Pasteur, Medforum Hospitals;FS Rose Park & Ngwate;MPL Nelspruit Medi Clinic & Amajuba; LP Nkhensani, Grobblersdal, Dilokong 46 health facilities connected for online birth registration making a total of 192 Projected increase of 14% of births registered within 30 days of birth against the estimated 1.1 million births per annum (58% of total births) Additional 159 500 projected births registered (3.5% increase) The total number of births registered is 128,867 which is 12% of estimated births of 1.1m.

9 9 Strategic Objective: To ensure that registration at birth is the only entry point for South Africans to the National Population Register BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 93% of LRB applications finalized within 90 days for the age group 15 years and above based on old LRB process. 95% of LRB applications for the age group 31 days and above finalized within 6 months 94% of late registration of births processed for the age group 31 days and above within 6 month 100% of late registration of births in respect of children 31 days to 14 years registered on the same day. 94% of applications in respect of persons 15 years and above were processed within 6 months. 17, 669 LRB cases were received. 2,457 applications were sent back to provinces due to non-compliance and 12,758 were allocated ID numbers. Balance was 2,882 for Quarter 4. 39% of high schools visited (4 355 out of 11 219 high schools) 49% of high schools visited to collect ID applications from learners of 16 years and above (5498 out of 11 219 high schools) 452 out of 5 498 (8% of 5498) high schools visited 26% of high schools visited (1416)

10 10 Strategic Objective: To issue Identity Documents (IDs) to citizens 16 years of age and above BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 88% of South African learners writing matric in possession of IDs as required by examination regulations* (*12% of learners who wrote matric had either applied for LRB or were foreign) 100% of South African learners who applied for IDs and are writing matric issued with IDs as required by examination regulations 0,7% (IDs handed out before exams) Out of 19150 ID applications received, 16964 IDs were issued to matric learners accounting for 89%

11 11 Strategic Objective: To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 40 offices with passport live capture functionality Live capture functionality for passports rolled out to a further 167 offices Live capture functionality for passports rolled out to a further 47 offices Not achieved NilLive capture functionality for IDs rolled out to 167 offices (Re-issue) Live capture functionality rolled out to 47 offices (re- issues) Not achieved NilLive capture functionality for IDs rolled out to 167 offices (First issue) Live capture functionality rolled out to 100 offices (first issues) Not achieved

12 12 Strategic Objective: To secure processes and systems to combat fraud and corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 45 000 duplicate cases resolved 100% of reported duplicate cases resolved 100% of duplicate cases reported and resolved 44.4% of cases were resolved during third quarter. On hand at 01 October 2011= 22 830 Received during Q3 = 2 010 Total = 24 840 Resolved Q3 = 11 024 (10 504 IDs issued and 520 no IDs issued) Closing balance at 31 December 2011 = 13 816 Business case documented and submitted to National Treasury for funding Proposal submitted to Cabinet for approval of ID Smart Card pilot N/A Not applicable

13 13 Strategic Objective: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS MoUs between DHA, SABRIC and TEBA under consideration Interface with SABRIC tested MoU with SASSA signed 3rd Party verification interface in place for TEBA, SASSA and Department of Human Settlement 3rd Party verification interface in place for TEBA An MOU with TEBA is currently under consideration Online verification with SABRIC and Banks was launched on 08 November 2011.

14 14 The targets outlined below are to support the achievement of the following Outcome. Outcome 2: Immigration managed effectively and securely in the national interest including economic, social and cultural development

15 15 Strategic Objective: To integrate key systems and upgrade IT infrastructure for improved security and data integrity BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 47% of Ports of Entry equipped with Enhanced Movement Control System (34 Ports of Entries equipped with EMCS) 67% of Ports of Entry equipped with Enhanced Movement Control System (Additional 14 Port of Entries equipped with EMCS) Training of officials at identified ports of entry Installation and commissioning of equipment Training not achieved. 9 sites were visited: Nakop, Alexander Baai, Swartkopfontein, Derdepoort, Giriyondo, Pafuri, Stockpoort, Pekabrug and Nerston; 4 sites will be visited from February 2012: Kosibaai, Sanipas, Twee Rivieren McCarthy’srus and Cape Town Harbour. Installation and commissioning of equipment will only be completed end of March 2012 Business case documented and submitted to National Treasury for funding; Basic integration of NIIS and HANIS NIIS enhanced and integrated with HANIS NIIS system optimised / enhanced ( to accommodate amendments to Act, production of management reports, and speed of system enhanced) Not achieved, Work is in progress,

16 16 Strategic Objective: To implement effective and efficient asylum seeker and refugee management strategies and systems BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Refugees Act,1998, and Refugee Regulations Refugees Act, 1998, and Refugee Regulations amended N/A Amended Act assented to and signed Draft regulations developed Not applicable Policy document developed with clear options for the processing of asylum seekers and refugees N/A The policy focus areas are : Asylum seekers and refugees ; Foreign migrants with critical skills; Foreign migrants with low level skills; Secure management of migration; Residency & citizenship Not applicable Adjudication committees established at all 7 Refugee Reception Offices Recruitment and Selection Approach approved Not achieved

17 17 Strategic Objective: To realise a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000 migrants annually BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Not applicable System to profile safe and non- refugee producing refugee countries developed. Draft System developed Framework in place to guide development of a module of the National Immigration Information System Not applicable Asylum seeker and refugee management pertaining to 3rd country nationals placed on the SADC agenda Engagement with second identified SADC countries conducted A meetings between officials was held with Mozambique and a similar meeting was planned for Quarter 4 with Zimbabwe that has taken place.

18 18 Strategic Objective: To review the policy and regulatory framework to manage economic migration BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS White Paper on International Migration Position Paper developed on policy options for managing the migration of skilled and unskilled migrants Steering Committee adopts research paper for presentation to EXCO and EMC Executive Management Retreat approved a draft policy paper for further development; followed by stakeholder consultations after approval of the final draft

19 19 Strategic Objective: To facilitate the movement of regular travellers across neighbouring borders BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 3 TARGETQUARTER 3 PROGRESS Not applicable Implementation plan for rationalisation of Ports of Entry approved by appropriate authorities (Inter Agency Clearing Forum and Minister) Implementation Plan developed for approval by appropriate authority (Minister and Inter Agency Clearing Forum) Not achieved Not applicable Trusted Traveller Programme piloted at a land port of entry Delivery of system for testing Not achieved

20 20 Strategic Objective: To realise a positive skills migration trend of around 50 000 migrants annually BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Approximately 12 000 scarce skills permits issued 18 000 scarce skills permits issued Additional 5000 scarce skills permits issued Exceptional Skills Work Permits: 924 Quota Work Permits: 922 A total of 1846 scarce skills permits issued. Track and Trace able to provide occupation categories Enhancement to the permitting track and trace system to enable tracking of scarce skills not yet completed.

21 21 The targets outlined below are to support the achievement of the following Outcome. Outcome 3: A service that is efficient, accessible and corruption free

22 22 Strategic Objective: To leadership capacity and capability towards enhancing service delivery BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Draft Coaching Clinics Framework Coaching clinics for 25% of 2000 (500) identified supervisors in the Department implemented Coaching clinics implemented for 50% of the identified supervisors in the Department Coaching Clinics Service Provider appointed with effect from 1 December 2011, Service Level Agreement drafted Project roll-out plan developed Coaching Clinics Framework communicated via Ikhaya 3 Leaders forums implemented 1 Leaders Forum implemented (2nd Forum) A Leaders Forum was held on 11 November 2011 in Durban

23 23 Strategic Objective: To leadership capacity and capability towards enhancing service delivery BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Approved list of existing, job evaluated, critical funded posts obtained 1118 vacant and funded posts filled (Original number of 1076 increased by 42 post through reprioritisation of budget) 40% of identified critical vacant and funded positions filled (447) 2010 Total number of priority posts: 417 Filled: 360 Percentage Filled: 86.3% 2011 Total number of priority posts: 1118 Filled: 908 Percentage Filled : 81%

24 24 Strategic Objective: To leadership capacity and capability towards enhancing service delivery BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Not Applicable 150 officials enrolled in management development programmes to enhance operational and service excellence 75 employees enrolled in management development programmes to enhance operational and service excellence 50 officials were enrolled in the Management Development Programme. Not Applicable Improved basic and advanced Programme for new and existing Immigration Officers approved Material for basic and advanced programme designed and developed The material for basic and advanced programme are designed and developed.

25 25 Strategic Objective: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 3 TARGETQUARTER 3 PROGRESS BMD and Permitting processes verified and approved based on old legislation BMD and Permitting processes security evaluated and reports submitted to State Security Agency for approval (based on new legislation) N/A Not Applicable Central database developed to provide integrated reports on all counter corruption cases in DHA Testing capabilities of existing system to generate reports Achieved

26 26 Strategic Objective: To ensure ethical conduct and a zero tolerance approach to corruption BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Baseline study on causes and scope of corruption commenced Baseline study conducted to inform DHA Counter Corruption project (part of JCPS Cluster) Implementation of the JCPS cluster project Not Achieved 60% of misconduct cases finalized within 60 days 70% of misconduct cases finalized within 60 days 70% of misconduct cases finalised within an average of 60 days 85% of all cases processed in Q3 were finalised within 60 days (144 out of 170 cases processed) 32 new cases were received in Q3 and 138 cases carried over from Quarter 2. The 32 new cases were dealt with within 60 days and 112 of the cases received from Quarter 2 were also completed in 60 days

27 27 Strategic Objective: To obtain a clean audit report BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Qualified audit for 2009/10 Unqualified audit report Plan implemented to achieve desired maturity level (New policies and procedures approved ) Specific actions to achieve maturity level were: Development of Archive Management Policy (approval process near completion) Transport Policy (at early stages of development) Expenditure Management (under discussion with Provinces) Current policies approved (6) - Procurement, Travel & Sub, Telecoms, Debt Man, Record Man, Revenue Records management policy developed and approved. Travel and subsistence, procurement and revenue management policies to be reviewed in the Q4 based on decentralisation of these functions to provinces. Debt Management – Reviewed and found to be sound

28 28 Strategic Objective: To obtain a clean audit report BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Qualified audit for 2009/10 Unqualified audit report Payment function delegated to provincial offices A decision was taken to decentralise both procurement and payment from the beginning of the financial year (1 April 2012) In preparation of the decentralisation, the delegations of authority reviewed and training provided on BAS and LOGIS.

29 29 Strategic Objective: To increase capacity to contribute to the fight against cyber crime BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGETQUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Cyber Crime Policy developed in conjunction with Department of Communication Cyber Crime Policy, Strategy and Plan implemented through documented measures such as raising awareness and education Cyber Crime Policy Awareness Sessions in 3 Provinces (Western Cape, Mpumalanga & Gauteng) 3 provinces were completed, i.e. Limpopo, Mpumalanga & KZN; An Awareness was also done on Ikhaya Internal Newsletter: November- December publication

30 30 Strategic Objective: To develop and implement service delivery standards for improving operational efficiency BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS Methodology developed and applied for costing key civic services All civic services and products costed Communication strategy developed and implemented The revised tariffs in respect of Temporary Identity Certificates was Gazetted on 8 December 2011 (Government Notice No R1029) and implemented on 12 December 2011. All DHA offices were notified to implement the revised tariffs with immediate effect. The TIC price was reduced from R140 to R70.

31 31 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 54 days on average 95% of IDs (First issues) issued within 54 days 91.5% of ID first issues were issued within 54 days (8.5% above 54 days). 294 298 IDs were issued. 47 days on average 95% of IDs (Re- issues) issued within 47 days 99.8% of ID re-issues were issued within 47 days (0.2% above 47 days). 272 961 IDs were issued.

32 32 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 24 days (manual process) on average 95% of machine readable passports issued within 24 days (manual process) 95.88% issued within 24 days. The total number of passports issued within 24 days is 80961. The total number of passports issued above 24 days is 3790 (total issued 84751). 13 days (live capture process) on average 97% of applications for machine readable passports issued within 13 days (live capture process) 97% of applications for machine readable passports issued within 13 days (live capture process) 95% issued within 13 days.

33 33 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 10 offices equipped with electronic queue management systems Electronic queue management systems implemented in additional 5 offices Implement the queue management systems in 3 offices Tender specifications were drafted during December 2011 as well as a Tender Submission for consideration by the Bid Adjudication Committee.

34 34 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 30% of first instance status determinati on finalised within 6 months 75% of first instance status determination finalised within 6 months 55% of first instance status determination finalised within 6 months Not achieved 40% of Applications finalised within 8 months 70% of permanent residence permits issued within 8 months 60% of permanent residence permits issued within 8 months 17% of applications captured for permanent residence permits were adjudicated within 8 months ( 2 800), representing new cases In addition, a significant number of backlog cases were cleared (13 517), representing 83% of all applications captured.

35 35 Strategic Objective: To ensure effective, efficient and accessible service delivery to clients BASELINE (as audited) ANNUAL TARGET QUARTER 3 TARGET QUARTER 3 PROGRESS 40% of applications issued within 8 weeks 70% of temporary residence permits (work, business, corporate) issued within 8 weeks 60% of applications issued within 8 weeks 20% of permits captured (10 940) were processed to completion within 8 weeks. In addition, 44 532 of backlog cases were processed to completion, representing 80% of captured applications. Additional statistics for selected permits Business: 106, Corporate: 4, Corporate Work: 177, Quota Work: 95, General Work: 759, Exceptional Skills Work: 114, Intra-Company Transfer: 376. Total: 1 517

36 36 Significant developments to note Permitting The aim is to secure the process and facilitate efficiently The report indicates that new applications are being dealt within the targeted timeframe. Large volumes of backlog applications (outside the timeframe) are being processed Interim measures have been taken to improve efficiency, although many service delivery challenges remain Plans for a radical overhaul of the permitting regime have been approved and implementation will start In 2012-2013

37 37 Strengthening of Ports of Entry The Department of Home Affairs is taking the lead in strengthening Ports of Entry, in close collaboration with a number of other departments. Priorities are the major airports and sea ports (harbours), with regard to the training of officials; boosting capacity; enhancing systems and upgrading infrastructure A new training programme for immigration officers was piloted with 350 immigration officers recruited from the SANDF with assistance from highly experienced Cuban officials. They have been successfully deployed to ORT International Airport A number of immigration officers that were stationed at ORT were deployed to strengthen key sea ports and are being retrained In 2012-2013 systems will be enhanced and facilities upgraded Ensuring that in sea ports travellers go through a designated area

38 38 The Modernisation of System Programme (fomerly WAIO) The following are key components of an integrated platform of processes that will incorporate linked national identity and immigration systems National Identification System with inherent Biometrics security features. This will replace the National Population Register (NPR) and key immigration systems. Live Capture for Passport and ID Permitting/ Visa solution Online application system (Immigration and Civics) Electronic Movement Control System (eMCS) - New version with enhancements Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Infrastructure Upgrade Contact Center/ Customer Services Smart ID Card Trusted Traveller System

39 39 *** Thank You ***

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