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1 What is a Business? WEEK: 1MODULE: Business Basics Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils must be able to…… Distinguish between wants.

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Presentation on theme: "1 What is a Business? WEEK: 1MODULE: Business Basics Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils must be able to…… Distinguish between wants."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What is a Business? WEEK: 1MODULE: Business Basics Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils must be able to…… Distinguish between wants and needs and goods and service should be able to…… Apply these concepts to the Rugeley business community could be able to…… Draw up a business plan for a potential new service for the area

2 2 Managing People WEEK: 2MODULE: Business Basics Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils must be able to…… recognise that there are different ways to organise labour should be able to…… discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of organising a business could be able to…… choose the best way to organise a particular business and explain their choice

3 3 Production WEEK: 3MODULE: Business Basics Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils must be able to…… recognise that production can be organised in different ways should be able to…… explain the advantages and disadvantages of different production methods could be able to…… select the most suitable method of production for a given product

4 4 Market Research WEEK: 4&5MODULE: Business Basics Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils must be able to…… understand the purpose of market research should be able to…… design and carry out market research could be able to…… analyse the findings of market research

5 5 Discount! WEEK: 6MODULE: Business Basics Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils must be able to…… Understand why firms use discounts should be able to…… Design materials to publicise a firms discounts could be able to…… Calculate the value of a discount to the customer

6 6 Wrap it up WEEK: 7MODULE: Business Basics Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson, pupils must be able to…… Understand the functions of packaging should be able to…… Design packaging for a product could be able to…… Describe the features of packaging to an audience

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