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The Great Awakening California State Standard 7.1.1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Awakening California State Standard 7.1.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Awakening California State Standard 7.1.1


3 The Great Awakening


5 Stressed the importance of inner religious emotion Not what church you went to

6 The Great Awakening Traveling ministers delivered sermons People left traditional Protestant churches and joined new ones Ex: Baptists Methodists

7 Preachers Jonathan Edwards George Whitfield Drew thousands of people to outdoor revivals

8 Important because… Questioned church authority so colonists questioned English authority Stressed the importance of the individual

9 Exit Quiz Who was John Edwards? Describe the Great Awakening Describe the Great Awakening The Great Awakening stressed the importance of the ________ The Great Awakening stressed the importance of the ________

10 Ideas of the Great Awakening and its influence on Revolution Great Awakening influenced the Revolution with new religious ideas People felt they were free to determine their own beliefs They felt less obedient to political authority


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