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By: Bernadine whitaker April. 11, 2013 Parenting and childhood Dev.

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1 By: Bernadine whitaker April. 11, 2013 Parenting and childhood Dev.

2 A woman doesn’t know right after conception that she Is pregnant but, however, within a few weeks her body gives several signs that might make her wonder….signs may include: A missed menstrual period Nausea Fatigue Breast tenderness Frequent urination

3 Tirmesters are the division of months throughtout the pregnancy. Each trimester contains 3months. 1 st Tri.- 1 st,2 nd,and 3 rd 2 nd Tri- 4 th,5 th,and 6 th 3 rd Tri- 7 th,8 th,and 9 th

4 First Trimester: Weeks 1 and 2: called a zygote Weeks 3-8 : called and embryo, eyes, ears, mouth, and nostrils begin to form and heart begins to beat. Third month : called a fetus, bones begins to form, covered by a thin skin, grows about 3inches long and weighs about 1 ounce. Second Trimester: Fourth month : skin is less transparent, fine hair covers the entire body, can suck its thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move around. Fifth month : hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows appear, becomes more active. Sixth month : eyes open and close, able to hear sounds, grows about 2pounds. Third Trimester: Seventh month : covered by vernix ( thick white protective coating) Eight month : has less freedom of movement, and usuallu moves into a head down position. Ninth month : lungs becoming fully developed, triples in weight, and descends into the pelvis and is ready for birth.

5 Birth defect is an abnormality that is present t or before birth and results in mental or physical disability. It can be caused by genetic factors, environmental factors, or a combination. Mother drinking alcohol Use of tobacco Exposure to X-rays Extra chromosome Un-safe sex Down Syndrome STD Radiation Effects Addiction to alcohol from birth. Heart Defect

6 Staying healthy is very important. For some pregnant women staying healthy can be very difficult, especially when they are use to eating unhealthy food. How to fight back the torture?- 3 rules, its simple, first always remind yourself that in order to have the healthy baby you want, you must stay healthy yourself. Second, stay away from all unhealthy foods such as, unpasteurized milk, raw or partially cooked eggs, undercook meat, poultry, fish, or shellfish, noodles, JUNK, hotdogs, etc. and third Exercise.

7 Nausea Backache Leg cramps Swollen ankles and feat Get out of bed slowly, eat crackers and sip ginger ale, eat small meals, avoid strong odors. Practice good posture, exercise regularly, wear supportive shoes, and try heat or massage. Exercise daily to increase circulation, eat plenty of foods in high calcium, stretch calf muscles before going to bed Exercise daily, avoid standing for long periods, avoid tight clothing.

8 Pregnancy is an emotional time for many women. A pregnant woman may worry about the unborn baby’s health or be nervous about labor and delivery. Mood swings are common during pregnancy, a pregnant woman might be cheerful one moment then irritable the next.

9 This is the ending of the mother’s minor pain but also the beginning of the worst pain she has had throughout the whole entire pregnancy while also having an relief. As the mother birth her child it is important for her to take deep breathes and also have a person in the room during the child’s birth for support. Support Pain Relief and Happiness

10 Google Parenting Rewards & Responsibilities Book

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