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From Traditional Tales to 21 st Century Multimedia Productions Kim Buice Spartanburg Writing Project SCCTE January 30, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "From Traditional Tales to 21 st Century Multimedia Productions Kim Buice Spartanburg Writing Project SCCTE January 30, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Traditional Tales to 21 st Century Multimedia Productions Kim Buice Spartanburg Writing Project SCCTE January 30, 2010

2 Why Use a Genre Study? “When teachers immerse students in reading and studying the kind of writing they want them to do, they are actually teaching at two levels. They teach students about the particular genre or writing issue that is the focus of the study, but they also teach students to use a habit of mind experienced writers use all the time.” Katie Wood Ray Study Driven

3 “When I think about using an inquiry stance, I always feel like this reason alone – inquiry teaches students to read like writers – is reason enough to teach from this stance as often as possible. Why? Because so many professional writers give the same advice when asked what a person should do to become a writer: you have to read, they say. It is discipline- based inquiry that puts reading at the forefront of the teaching and lets students develop a knowledge base about good writing in the same way professional writers develop theirs.” Katie Wood Ray Study Driven

4 Getting Started on the Study Begin by reading aloud and discussing good examples of each type of tale your standards require. Create a Noticings Chart to help students develop definitions of all types. Note: There are lots of examples in video from on Streamline.

5 Moving Along to the Writing Read a variety of altered tales –What happens after? The Frog Prince Continued by Jon Scieszka –New setting/characters Cindy Ellen by Susan Lowell –Mixed-Up tales Mind Your Manners, BB Wolf by Judy Sierra –Different Point of View The Wolf’s Story by Toby Forward and Izhar Cohen –Completely new, but in the traditional style Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude by Kevin O’Malley

6 Let’s Try It! Try writing your own version of a familiar tale. Have more books available!

7 Bringing It to the 21 st Century What is Multimedia? –“Today, multimedia refers to (or can refer to) nothing less than the integration of text, audio, graphics, still image and moving pictures into a single, computer-controlled, multimedia product.” Why use it?? –“ …motivated students, excited teachers, and nifty applications can be multiplied in more and more classrooms with relative ease: and as that occurs, pedagogical excitement can only grow.” –“Multimedia can, as Joe Hofmeister observes, take something that has become educationally moribund for some teachers and students, like the term paper, and make it not only exciting but a real learning experience. In addition, multimedia seems to make students into pro-active learners, not passive receptors. The multimedia format also means that multiple learning styles will be stimulated, with each reinforcing the others.” »McCarthy, R. (June 1989). Multimedia: what the excitement's all about. Electronic Learning.Multimedia: what the excitement's all about.Electronic Learning

8 How To Use Multimedia Photostory 3 –Free downloadFree download –Uses still images –Can add voice as well as music Movie Maker –Free downloadFree download –Can use still images AND movies –Can add voice as well as music

9 Let’s Try It!

10 Some examples by my students The Stinky Tuna Sandwich Man The Little Stinky Cheese Kung Fu ManThe Little Stinky Cheese Kung Fu Man Grandma’s Version The Wolf Story

11 Final Reflection It is very motivating for the students! –Only 1 out of 50 students did not complete a story! It is time consuming at first! –We worked for 3 class periods in the lab. –Only about 12 students completed the project. –Later in the year, we made another movie after a field trip and all pairs finished the project.

12 For more information http://criticalliteracyinthedigitalage. %20in%20the%20Classroomhttp://criticalliteracyinthedigitalage. %20in%20the%20Classroom

13 Resources McCarthy, R. (June 1989). Multimedia: what the excitement's all about. Electronic Learning., 8, n8. p.26(6). Retrieved June 17, 2008, from Academic OneFile via Gale: t=IAC- Documents&type=retrieve&tabID=T002&prodId=AONE &docId=A7334816&source=gale&userGroupName=les_ main&version=1.0Multimedia: what the excitement's all about.Electronic Learning Ray, Katie Wood. Study Driven.

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