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Español 2 lunes el 14 de diciembre No Daily Warm Up this week Finish Up Group Sentence Squares Correct Sentence Translations sheet Test Review time – Complete.

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Presentation on theme: "Español 2 lunes el 14 de diciembre No Daily Warm Up this week Finish Up Group Sentence Squares Correct Sentence Translations sheet Test Review time – Complete."— Presentation transcript:

1 Español 2 lunes el 14 de diciembre No Daily Warm Up this week Finish Up Group Sentence Squares Correct Sentence Translations sheet Test Review time – Complete test review & study Tarea/HW: -Study, 8.2 Test is Tomorrow!!! -Review the ar,er/ir past tense endings and forms of Ir (to go).

2 Group Sentence Squares *Ex. 24 pg. 288 and Ex. 28 pg. 290* *each group member is responsible for 1 sentence for each exercise. Requirements Ex. 24: Create 4 past tense sentences using different subjects, verbs & places from the boxes shown. Include a colored drawing to represent the sentence. Requirements Ex. 28: Create 4 past tense sentences using the verb Ir and choices from the other boxes. Include a colored drawing to represent the picture.

3 8.2 Test Format 17 total questions (9) Multiple Choice – Past tense verb conjugations – Sentence translations (5) Fill in the blank – for the verb Ir (to go) (3) Sentence translations – English to Spanish – Spanish to English Test is tomorrow!!! Finish Test Review & Study!!

4 Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: lunes el 14 de diciembre Finish Up Group Sentence Squares

5 Español 2 martes el 15 de diciembre Turn in Test Review sheet (practice power point) Test 8.2 past tense verbs & Ir Película: Sugar (Azúcar) -Movie question guide -Also read article: Here, “baseball is life” Tarea/HW: No hay Nada ¡Saca tijeras! Get scissors! These will go in your culture notebook

6 ¡Examen Ahora! NO TALKING while people are testing. When you finish, Pick up and read the article: Here, “baseball is life” -highlight any interesting facts or statistics you read. -answer the questions at the end. Sit quietly until all are finished. If you have other work, you can work on that. El 15 de diciembre

7 Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: martes el 15 de diciembre

8 Español 2 miércoles el 16 de diciembre Pick Up vocab 9.1 & 9.2 list (start studying 9.1) Película: Sugar (Azúcar) -movie question guide (left side) -Also read article: Here, “baseball is life” (right side) Tarea/HW: No hay Nada Turn in Sr.Bean Sentences These will go in your culture notebook

9 Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: miércoles el 16 de diciembre

10 Español 2 jueves el 17 de diciembre Película: Sugar (Azúcar) -movie question guide (left side) -Also read article: Here, “baseball is life” (right side) Tarea/HW: -Review the 9.1 vocab list Pick Up White Boards These will go in your culture notebook

11 Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: jueves el 17 de diciembre

12 Español 2 viernes el 18 de diciembre Video: Las Posadas: Christmas in Mexico – with question guide Tarea/HW: No hay Nada Have the Best Vacation Ever!!

13 Para empezar - Daily Warm-Up: viernes el 11 de diciembre Quick-Write Quiz Review: -look over your list one last time -choose 5 words/phrases you still don’t know well and write those out in Spanish & English. ¡corre! ¡estudia! ¡Haz la tare a! Ella se siente cansada. Estamos nervioso s.

14 El Cuerpo (Body Project) Work alone or in a group of 2 (max) – Working alone (8x11 size minimum) – Working in pairs (larger size such as poster paper) Create a creative organism with body parts: – Must have at least 10 different body parts labeled in Spanish (or more). – Must be neatly hand drawn & colored. – Must have proper spelling, accent marks and articles included (el, la, los, las). Due Friday !

15 4 Cuadros de Ropa 8 different clothing items. Drawing must be colored. Sentences must be complete with a conjugated verb and description of item. por ejemplo: Ella lleva un vestido negro. Neatness, spelling & grammar count! Llevar to say who’s wearing something. Ser to describe color or size.

16 Tu rutina diaria ¿Qué haces para prepararte? Write a short Spanish paragraph explaining your daily routine (everything you do to get ready). -Use reflexive verbs from our vocabulary list. -Start with waking up, end with going to bed. -Use transitions (first, then, next, before, after). -Be sure all your verbs are conjugated in the “yo form” and use the proper reflexive pronoun.

17 6 th Hour Come in. Sit down in your assigned seat. Get out warm up sheet. Wait quietly for Mrs. Finn to start class. Reminder of the Daily Expectations All other expectations to be met as well, per your signed class contract.

18 Daily Expectations I am expected to: 1.Come in and sit in my seat before the tardy bell rings. 2.Have my warm up sheet out and ready to go. 3.Remain in my seat at all times until the end bell rings. 4.Not to talk while Mrs. Finn or others are addressing the class. 5.Not to talk, but rather listen during notes, movies or videos. 6.To work QUIETLY on my work during class work time. 7.Turn my phone off and have it out of sight all hour (red zone). Consequences for not following expectations & disruptions will be: 1.A phone call home and after/before school detention served with Mrs. Finn. 2.Referral and possible ISS (in school suspension).

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