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Welcome to the Fall Board Meeting September 7, 2011 If you have not already done so, please use the Audio Setup Wizard to test your microphone and speakers.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Fall Board Meeting September 7, 2011 If you have not already done so, please use the Audio Setup Wizard to test your microphone and speakers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Fall Board Meeting September 7, 2011 If you have not already done so, please use the Audio Setup Wizard to test your microphone and speakers.

2 Reminders This session is being Recorded. Use the “Stepped Away” button if you are temporarily away from your computer. Raise your hand high!

3 More Reminders Chatting The moderators can see what you write in the chat box, even if it is not directed to them, and it will be recorded.

4 AGENDA 1:00 pmSign On and Check In Becky Miller, Moderator 1:00Call to Order Becky Miller, President Introductions Administrative Update Dr. Joe Zublena, Extension Director

5 Determine Quorum (one representative from each assoc.) Approval of Agenda Approval of March 25, 2011 Federation minutes Liz Driscoll, Secretary Treasurer’s Report Jane McDaniel, Treasurer


7 Unfinished Business Rotation Chart of Officers Becky Miller Brochure Update Kay Morton Website update Kyleen Burgess

8 New Business Review of Board Duties & Responsibilities Review of 2011 Goals 2011 Federation Goals Adopt 2010 Federation Goals –Utilize video conferencing format for Board meetings to save travel and time –Offer Board meetings and Administrative updates to total membership –Encourage membership in all associations to apply for Leadership and Service Awards –Request all Extension Associations to forward appropriate issues to the administration via the Federation Educate association members about purposes and objectives of Federation –Pass out Federation brochures / Elevator speech at conference Update and revise Federation brochure –Kay Morton - revamp federation brochure 2012 Federation Officers Becky Miller 2011Annual Federation Forum Eleanor Summers Registration and Program President-Elect Leadership & Service Recognition Awd.

9 Association Reports (5 minute max, copy to Secretary) NCCESAKay Morton NCEAFCS Jeannie Leonard NCAE4-HALouise Hinsley NCAEPAATRebekah Thompson NCACESMark Megalos NCACAANancy Keith

10 Review/Announcements/Wrap-up Becky Miller Eleanor Summers Fall Board Meeting

11 ADJOURN Thank you for participating.

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