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Vocabulary By: Marc Zgola, Hayley Hegarty, Vanessa Wilson.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary By: Marc Zgola, Hayley Hegarty, Vanessa Wilson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary By: Marc Zgola, Hayley Hegarty, Vanessa Wilson

2 Formulate Pronunciation: Form-yuh-late Part of Speech: Verb Definition: Create or devise methodically

3 Civic Pronunciation: Siv-vic Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Of or relating to the duties or activities of people in relation to their town city or local area.

4 Supplemented Pronunciation: Supp-le-mented Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Something that completes or enhances something when added to.

5 Inept Pronunciation: In-ept Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Having or showing no skill. Clumsy

6 Majority Pronunciation: Major- itty Part of Speech: Noun Definition: The greater number.

7 Eerie Pronunciation: Ear-ree Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Strange or frightening

8 Predict Pronunciation: Pre-dict Part of Speech: Verb Definition: Say or estimate what will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something.

9 Accumulate Pronunciation: Uh-cumu-late Part of Speech: Verb Definition: Gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.

10 Arid Pronunciation: Uh-rid Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Lacking in excitement, interest or meaning.

11 Adapt Pronunciation: A-da-pt Part of Speech: Verb Definition: Become adjusted to new conditions.

12 Superior Pronunciation: Soup-ear-e-or Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Higher in rank, status or quality.

13 Elaborate Pronunciation: E-lab-or-ate Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning.

14 Equivalent Pronunciation: Eek-kwiv-alent Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc..

15 Encounter Pronunciation: En-count-err Part of Speech: Verb Definition: Unexpectedly experience or be faced with.

16 Convenient Pronunciation: Con-veen-yent Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Fitting in well with a person’s needs, activities and plans.

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