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Sustainable Development Governance Preparation for Rio + 20.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Development Governance Preparation for Rio + 20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Development Governance Preparation for Rio + 20

2 This program looks at the main concepts already agreed upon as essential for the ongoing work of developing international governance for Sustainable Development. It also presents the main structures that are being considered for undergirding the United Nations work of Sustainable Development.

3 Basic Concepts From the 1992 Rio Declaration

4 The Precautionary Principle A stitch in time saves 9.

5 The Polluter Pays

6 Common but Differentiated Responsibilities

7 Access to Information, Participation and Justice Justice

8 Intergenerational Equity

9 Structures Institutional structures being considered to replace the present ECOSOC commission structure.

10 ECOSOC Reform Transform ECOSOC into a Council for Sustainable Development to streamline all its activities and functioning commissions under one objective: Sustainability within the framework of the eradication of poverty.

11 Upgrade Upgrade the Commission on Sustainable Development into a Council, reporting directly to the UN General Assembly rather than to ECOSOC.

12 Merge Merging ECOSOC and The Commission on Sustainable Development into a Council

13 In addition..................

14 Upgrade UNEP Upgrading UNEP to a Specialized Agency or establishing a UN Environment Organization

15 Prepared by Ann Braudis June 2011

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