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Ch. 16.4 Bell Work: List 3 Documents that limited English Monarchy Cornell Notes Daily Quiz Vocab/ I.D. Objective Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 16.4 Bell Work: List 3 Documents that limited English Monarchy Cornell Notes Daily Quiz Vocab/ I.D. Objective Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 16.4 Bell Work: List 3 Documents that limited English Monarchy Cornell Notes Daily Quiz Vocab/ I.D. Objective Review

2 Vocab/I.D.  Sea Dogs  John Cabot  Sir Francis Drake  Henry Hudson  Jamestown  Plymouth  Barbados


4 Sea Dogs of Poulsbo!!!!


6 British Naval Exploits  John Cabot-1497 Gave England its first Claim to North America  Sea Dogs- English Sea captains under Queen Elizabeth I. Explorers & Adventurers. These traders and pirates included Sir Francis Drake & Sir Walter Raleigh.  Drake was the first English Sea captain to sail around the World.  Sea Dogs helped England defeat the Spanish Armada.

7 Mercantilism- How does a country get more of the Pie?  English rulers embraced the ideas of mercantilism by establishing colonies to provide raw materials and resources.  Trade organizations were essentially merchant guilds that represented an "institutional innovation" that enabled them to conduct large-scale trade with distant shores. They came to exercise functions that were usually the prerogative of national states.  The main companies were the East India Company, or EIC (1600–1858), the Hudson's Bay Company (founded in 1670 and still active) and the Royal African Company (1672–1750)  Colonial Expansion increased the Quality of Life by creating an economic prosperity

8 Early Settlement in the Americas  1606 The Virginia Co. of London- sent an expeditions to the Americas to search for search for gold and silver.  The following year the Co. founded the 1 st permanent English settlement-Jamestown.  A group of religious dissenters-Pilgrims founded a colony Plymouth- present day Massachusetts.

9 The British in India  The defeat of the Spanish Armada encouraged the British to establish colonies overseas by granting a charter to the British East India Trading Company.  The Company set up trading post at Bombay, Calcutta & Madras India.  As it grew the company cam into increasing conflict with the French trading company.  The conflict eventually led to an open struggle of which England prevailed and by the 1750’s the British trading company became the dominant European trade interest in India.


11 Extension- E.C. Opportunity  Before long Great Britain established itself as one of the world’s most powerful empires. Create one or more political cartoons commenting on early British colonial in India/or the Americas

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