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Theories of Age Stratification

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1 Theories of Age Stratification

2 Functionalism Age differentiation provides the functions of social integration and social cohesion. Age groups and stages in life(Parsons) create the link between kinship group and wider society. It is functionally important and appropriate that people move from one age group to the next Childhood is a protected period in which socialisation and role allocation occurs Adolescence provides a safe link between childhood and adulthood Adulthood is vital for the economic well being of society Old Age – withdrawal from workplace important for the generations that follow Age inequality is therefore FUNCTIONAL

3 Marxism Age inequality if functional for capitalism Young workers are exploited by capitalists - the young are a cheap pool of non unionised labour The old are ignored by society because they no longer have the disposal income to interest capitalists The old may also provide free child care for adult workers

4 Weberianism Age inequality can be understood by reference to ‘market situation’ The different age groups have either a favourable or unfavourable market situation and therefore experience unequal rewards/conditions The Young – ‘unfavourable’ – lack experience, un-unionised or organised unable to demand higher pay The Old – past retirement age can only attain low paid part time jobs Working Population/Mid Adulthood – most favourable market situation

5 PoMo and the Old Age stratification is breaking down PMs identify the growth of the spending power of older people - retiring younger, living longer etc. Older people have developed lifestyles and identities of their own choosing increasingly out of step with societal expectations of how the old should behave. People choose their own identity rather than conforming to social expectations

6 Pomo and the Young Globalisation of popular culture has revolutionised the way we look at age In the 1940's films etc. portrayed the most attractive age to be 30+ this has steadily declined We now have a cult of youth - music, fashion, media all dominated by the young Societal norms breaking down in post modern age – everyone choosing to be ‘young’

7 Extension Read pages 346-350 of Sociology for A2 Complete all questions on page 350

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