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Unit 7 Vocabulary Academic English 10. abhor  (v) to look at with hate, to loathe.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7 Vocabulary Academic English 10. abhor  (v) to look at with hate, to loathe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 7 Vocabulary Academic English 10

2 abhor  (v) to look at with hate, to loathe

3 amend  (v) to change in a formal way; to change for the better -”mend”

4 buffet  (v) to slap; to strike repeatedly; to force your way with difficulty  (n) a slap, blow -you have to be “buff” to slap??

5 chaos  (n) confusion, disorder

6 commodious  (a) roomy, spacious -”come” on in; there’s plenty of space

7  Complete Sentences on pages 95-96 #7, 16, 18, 19 and 20  Remember to focus your understanding on the word’s usage in a sentence  Continue to use the skip one and the anything in the blank strategies

8 corrosive  (a) eating away gradually, acidlike; bitterly sarcastic -will “corrode”

9 discern  (v) to see clearly, recognize

10 extant (extent)  (a) still existing; not destroyed or lost -(ex)isting

11 implicate  (v) to involve in; to connect with or be related to -”imply” that someone is involved

12 inter  (v) to bury -”in” the ground

13  Complete Sentences on pages 95-96 #5, 11, 12, 14 and 15  Remember to focus your understanding on the word’s usage in a sentence  Continue to use the skip one and the anything in the blank strategies

14 martinet  (n) a strict disciplinarian; a stickler for the rules -trying to catch people doing something with a net??

15 obviate  (v) to see something coming and try to prevent it -obviously coming and obviously bad

16 renegade  (n) one who leaves a group; a deserter, outlaw  (a) traitorous, unconventional, unorthodox

17 reprehensible  (a) deserving blame or punishment -should be “reprehended”

18 somber  (a) dark, gloomy; depressed -s->sad

19  Complete Sentences on pages 95-96 #1, 3, 6, 9 and 13  Remember to focus your understanding on the word’s usage in a sentence  Continue to use the skip one and the anything in the blank strategies

20 squalid  (a) filthy, foul, yucky -might make you “squeal” with disgust

21 turbulent  (a) disorderly, riotous, violent; stormy -might “tear” stuff up -think “turbulence” on a flight

22 Vociferous (vo-sif-er-ous)  (a) loud and noisy; attention- getting -think “voice”

23 voluminous (vol-oom-in-is)  (a) of great size; numerous; writing or speaking in great length -lots of “volume”

24 waive  (v)to do without, give up voluntarily -”wave” goodbye to it

25  Complete Sentences on pages 95-96 #2, 4, 8, 10 and 17  Remember to focus your understanding on the word’s usage in a sentence  Continue to use the skip one and the anything in the blank strategies

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