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Forming Ideas to Understand, Minimize and Recover from Pollinator Losses State Updates and Pollinator Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "Forming Ideas to Understand, Minimize and Recover from Pollinator Losses State Updates and Pollinator Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forming Ideas to Understand, Minimize and Recover from Pollinator Losses State Updates and Pollinator Protection

2 Presidential Memorandum - Create a Federal Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators (2014) Pollinator Protection History EPA Established a Pollinator Health Task Force –EPA Included Bee Advisory Box on Pollinator-Toxic Pesticides –States Asked to Consider Developing Individual Pollinator Protection Plans

3 Reduce honey bee colony losses during winter (overwintering mortality) to no more than 15% within 10 years. Goal was formed by the previously released Bee Informed Partnership surveys and the newly established quarterly and annual surveys by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Based on the data anticipated from the national, statistically-based NASS surveys of beekeepers, the Task Force will develop baseline data and additional goal metrics for winter, summer, and total annual colony loss. National Strategy Goal

4 Ecosystem Diversity

5 New Mexico Bee Losses Bee Losses in New Mexico Between April 1, 2014 & March 2015 Total Number of Respondents Providing Valid Responses Total Number of Colonies Managed Average Number of Colonies Managed Average Colony Loss % 241,97582.330.6%

6 Principal Reasons for Bee Loss Lack of flowers – poor nutrition External Pesticides Viruses In-Hive Pesticides Gut pathogens: Nosema Mite parasites

7 Promote Pollinator Health Consider pollinator protection plan focused on awareness of issues faced by all parties. Develop and discuss reasonable practices that beekeepers, landowners, and pesticide applicators can do to protect pollinators while minimizing impacts to livestock and crop producers. Ensure positive relations between beekeepers, landowners and pesticide applicators. Inform city, county and state organizations (ex. road departments and parks) of bee friendly plants. Increase cognizance of bees and beewatch programs. NMDA Goals

8 I.Honey Bee Health Survey –Conducted in 2012, 2015 and anticipated in 2016 –Pathogens, Parasites & Predators –Pesticides II.Awareness –Outreach –Awareness Pollinator Protection Areas

9 NMBKA Surveyed 24 Apiaries Preliminary Results – Indicate High Varroa Mite Counts in Urban Colonies Bee Samples Not Yet Analyzed for Viruses –Varroa Counts Indicate Potential for Viruses Comb Samples Currently Being Prepared for Analysis Progress Determine Pests Affecting Apiaries Acquire Data to Aid in Making Informed Decisions Regarding Rules and Regulations Purpose 2015 Honey Bee Health Survey

10 Funding Determine Pests Affecting State Apiaries Survey New Locations – Commercial and Non- Commercial Apiaries Provide Additional Data from Collection of Pollen and Bees Objectives/Updates 2016 Honey Bee Health Survey

11 Pesticide Testing Program (NMDA LAB)

12 Pollinator Protection Awareness Cooperate and communicate with others concerned about pollinator protection. –Beekeepers –Custom applicators –Neighboring growers Penn State Pesticide Education Program

13 Industry Communication Program

14 Registry of Pesticide-sensitive Areas DriftWatch™ is a tool to help protect pesticide-sensitive crops and habitats from the drift that sometimes occurs during spray operations.


16 Partners In Outreach Program

17 Develop best management practices (BMPs) for beekeepers, landowners/growers and pesticide applicators. Apiary and pesticide applicator registration tools. Develop webpage with information on best management practices and pollinator protection. YOUR IDEAS Ideas

18 Pending Consideration Full Representation of Apiary Industry Provides Known Locations of Hives Increased Pest Exclusion/Interception Helps Provide Justification for State Apiary Program Supports Apiary Education Programs Registration For Non-Commercial Apiaries

19 New Mexico Department of Agriculture Entomology and Nursery Industries PO Box 30005, MSC 3BA Las Cruces, NM 88003-8005 575-646-3207 Thank You! To Contact Us

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