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W ALNUT G ROVE C URRICULUM N IGHT Welcome to 2 nd grade! Ms. Healey 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "W ALNUT G ROVE C URRICULUM N IGHT Welcome to 2 nd grade! Ms. Healey 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ALNUT G ROVE C URRICULUM N IGHT Welcome to 2 nd grade! Ms. Healey 2014-2015

2 A LL ABOUT MS. HEALEY 2nd year teaching 2 nd grade. From Snellville, Georgia. Attended Brookwood cluster schools from K-12 th grade. Graduated from Kennesaw State University Student taught in Costa Rica, studied 5 years of Spanish. Worked as a substitute teacher with Gwinnett County Public Schools for 1 year. Currently enrolled in Kennesaw State’s Early Childhood Education 1 year online Master’s program

3 A. Conduct/Work Habits E, S, N, U B. Grades Grading scale: A: 90 - 100, B: 80 - 90, C: 74 -79, D: 70 - 73, U: 0 – 69 *Health, conduct, and work habits are graded with E, S, N, U C. Daily Schedule Typical daily schedule (see attached handout) Specials Rotations change every 9 weeks. Our specials are currently are: P.E., Art, and STEM. Always bring tennis shoes to PE!

4 D. Homework *Math homework goes over concepts that have been taught and previews concepts that are going to be taught. Your child should complete a section each day. Math homework is due on Friday. *I will also be adding 20 minutes of reading nightly. D. Absences/Make up work Students must bring a note signed by a parent explaining their absence or the absence will be counted as “unexcused”. If your child misses graded work, it must be made up at school.

5 A. Check In/Check Out When your child is tardy, you need to come to the atrium and sign them in. All students must be checked out at the computer in the atrium. Your child will receive a check out slip to bring to me when you come to pick up your child. B. Conferences There will be online conferences scheduled with each parent September 24 and 25 AND February 25 and 26. Please let me know if you feel you need to meet with me at another time.

6 C. Communication I try to be as punctual as possible returning phone calls and answering notes. Please check your child’s agenda book for answers to your notes. E-mail is not the best means of communication especially if it is time sensitive. Please call the office for emergency communication. D.Transportation If your child is taking an alternate method of transportation home, I must have a note dated and signed by the parent. This includes bus changes, riding home with a friend, or being a walker for the day.

7 A. Reading We will work on reading comprehension strategies and fluency in small groups. We will apply these skills through an independent reading time. I will also model fluency and expression when I read aloud to them each day. B. Spelling We will be focusing on your children’s understanding of words and how they work by looking at their application of spelling and vocabulary in their own writing. We have found that many students can pass Friday spelling tests; however, these same words do not carry over to their writing. My instruction this year will focus more on how words work and studying different patterns with your child to help him/her make connections to writing.

8 C. Grammar/Writing Grammar skills will be taught during the Reading and Writing blocks. We will write each day in Writer’s Workshop. We will learn what good writers do through mini lessons. Children will be guided through the steps of the writing process by using specific writing prompts.

9 D. Math I will teach math through the use of manipulatives, guided math groups, and math centers. It is critical that your child knows the basic addition and subtraction facts before we introduce 2 digit and 3 digit addition and subtraction problems. Please practice the facts with your child nightly working on speed and accuracy. (Try to discourage them from using fingers.)

10 E. Social Studies Topics of study include Map and Globe skills. Before There Was a Georgia (James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove) Georgia’s Beginnings Native Georgians (Creek and Cherokee Indians) Government and Human Rights/Civil Rights (studying famous Georgians and flag etiquette) Personal finance (economics)

11 F. Science Topics of study include Matter and Energy, Force and Motion, Astronomy, and Life Cycles. We will also be focusing on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) We will incorporate activities to engage students in problem solving, working in a collaborative group, and using higher order thinking skills. G. Health Topics of study include Personal Care, Nutrition, Disease Prevention, and Safety.

12 V. Standardized testing District interim tests are given in Language Arts and Math. We take pre and post tests in August and in May to see student growth performance.

13 Hooray, Hooray, It’s My Birthday! $20.00 ice cream for the entire class. Look for …. PTA Pizza Bingo, PTA movie night, and Trailblazer Day Winter party, end of the year party, field day.

14 VII. V ERY I MPORTANT P ARENTS (VIP’ S ) Classroom Volunteers: If you are interested in helping in our classroom, please fill out the volunteer sheet. PTA: Please join PTA if you have not already done so. Only $6!!!! There will not be field day t-shirts this year, instead there will be classroom t- shirts $7!

15 VIII. Website Please sign and return the form if you’d like to be part of our class directory. School Website is: My Website is:

16 Questions? *Please leave your child an encouraging note for the morning. Thank you for coming!!!

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