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EARIP Consortium Meeting Developing better and more efficient health and care systems Work Package 4 Update Susanna Palkonen EFA Director

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Presentation on theme: "EARIP Consortium Meeting Developing better and more efficient health and care systems Work Package 4 Update Susanna Palkonen EFA Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 EARIP Consortium Meeting Developing better and more efficient health and care systems Work Package 4 Update Susanna Palkonen EFA Director

2 WP4 Timeline Review Literature Review M12 By August 2014 Deliverable 4.1 Stakeholder Workshop @ EP M24 August 2015 (?) Consortium/Exper t Workshop M26 October 2015 (?) Recommendations on Effective Measures for Healthcare System Change M27 November 2015 Deliverable 4.2

3 Three WP4 Updates and Topics for Discussion 1.The Deliverable 4.1 sent to AUK in August 2.Collaboration with WP7 to create directory for EU & national stakeholders 3.EARIP Presented at the European Parliament 4.EARIP Stakeholder Workshop at the European Parliament

4 Deliverable 4.1: National and regional asthma programmes in EUROPE Lead Author: Dr. Olof Selroos Co-auhors: David Brennan, Susanna Palkonen, Jean Bousquet, Javier Contreras, Martin FitzGerald, Guenila Hedlin, Sebastian Johnson, Piotr Kuna, Maciek Kupczyk, Piotr Łacwik, Renaud Louis, Antinio Moreno-Galdó, Nikos Papadapolous, Jose Rosado- Pinto, Pippa Powell, Samantha Walker, Leanne Metcalf, Tari Haahtela Timeline for Deliverable 4.1 Sent for review to the Ad Hoc Scientific Committee in April Comments of Ad Hoc Scientific Committee integrated in May Final review of tables, figures and content by the end of the month First submission to the European Respiratory Journal in June ERJ rejected the submission and forwarded it to the European Respiratory Review with consent of the EARIP consortium partners WP4 still waits for a final decision from the European Respiratory Review

5 Collaboration with WP7 to create directory for EU & national stakeholders Ad Hoc Scientific Committee database forwarded to WP7 leaders at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Database included: Ad Hoc Scientific Commitee reviewers List of points of contact in EFA Members representing asthma patients Other experts in asthma invited to be in the Ad Hoc Scientific Committee but did not accept to become involved in EARIP Other potential actions: – Assisting to complete an EU institutions contacts in the database through cross-referencing with internal information – In collaboration with EFA members & ERS: integrating national leaders & policymakers

6 EARIP Presented at the European Parliament Event attendees included Representatives from other EU project consortia researching in the field: U- BIOPRED, AIRPROM, MEDALL Patient representatives from EFA members Representatives from DG SANCO and DG RESEARCH Members of the European Parliament Other NGOs in healthcare (ELF, EPHA, etc.) Dr. Walker presented EARIP on behalf of the consortium to patients and policymakers

7 EARIP Stakeholder Workshop at the European Parliament on European health care change in asthma Currently scheduled for August 2015 in the EARIP timeline – Potential for moving up date to the spring to avoid overlap with other EARIP events & good time for EP calendar – Opportunity for WP7 collaboration -> moving towards the recommendations, final

8 New EFA EARIP Team member Starting 15 September – Giuseppe De Carlo, Project Manager

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